Mai x reader (part two)

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Your Pov

"Y/N wake up. C'mon you've been asleep for a while. I said wake up!" Shaking and yelling is what I open my eyes to. It's a little blurry at first but then I could make out the sakura tree that I was currently laying under and Mai to my left looking irritated.

"Sorry how long have I been sleeping for?" I sat up and rub the remaining drowsiness from my eyes.

"About an hour, I didn't have a heart to wake you up, you look super cute when your sleeping." She looks away embarrassed about admitting that.

"Oh really? You were watching me sleep?"

"Don't make it sound so weird!" She punches my arm gently. I start erupting in laughter at her flustered state. But after a few seconds stop.

I gently tackled Mai so that I was straddling her waist and trap her hands above her head. "You're extremely cute Mai" I move my left hand to caress her face lovingly.

Mai and I were in this weird state where we would do everything normal couples do but we never actually officially said we're girlfriends. She said she didn't want to put a lable on us cause she likes the way we are now but after about a month of this the only thing I wanted to do was to call her my girlfriend. And of course in this state I'd never be able to tell her I'm in love with her.

I take in every feature of her face. From her bangs to her eyes, nose, cheeks, and lips. Honestly this girl is driving me insane with how perfect she is.

I lean in, about to attach our lips before a very familiar voice interrupt us. "Please get a room you lovebirds" I get off of Mai and help her stand up.

"Hello Azula and Ty Lee," Azula and Ty Lee were in their usual outing attire but for some reason Ty Lee was doing a handstand while walking. That looks like punishment.

"I wanted to tell you two that we'll be going on a mission, tonight, meet by the docs after sundown."

"Where will we be going?" I knew that it probably wasn't a good idea to ask questions but Azula and I have been friends since basically birth.

"We'll be visiting the Boiling Rock. Some special prisoner has been captured, we're to retrieve them and take them to the capital. We'll arrive in the morning." She leaves after explaining, with Ty Lee in tow.

"You should go with them. I remember I have a class I need to attend so I'll see you at the doc." I face Mai kiss her cheek before also leaving.

~time skip~~ at the docs~

We were currently getting the airship ready to leave, Azula and I were the first to arrive.

"Y/N you've been unusually quiet tonight, is something wrong?" Azula walks up behind me while I was sitting in my temporary room drinking tea.

"Hm? Sorry, I must be tired from my class." She sits across me and pours herself a cup of tea.

"You're the worst liar. You're obviously down about something other than classes."

"Uhm, honestly it's about Mai. I have no idea how to tell her I love her. She doesn't want to make us official but I really want to. Of course I'm going to respect her feelings but I feel like she's still hung up on Zuko. I saw the way she use to look at him but she doesn't give that same look for me. Am I being dumb about this?" I scratch the back of my neck something I do out of nervous habit. I've never let out my feelings like this especially to Azula, who thinks love is weakness.

"Well I think you should tell her. Whatever is going on with you two should be equal right? Honestly Y/N I thought after all these years of being friends you would understand that letting someone dictate what you do is utterly ridiculous. Just tell her how your feeling and her reaction should tell you just what to do." She finishes her tea then stands up to leave. "Though maybe do it when we get back."

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