Hakoda x Reader

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When Hakoda and Y/N get together some people aren't really happy and by some people I mean Sokka and Katara.

Your POV
The air was crisp as the men and chief of the southern water tribe were preparing to leave, carrying crates and barrels of food onto the ships. I stand behind Katara and Sokka as they say goodbye to their father, Hakoda. It wasn't long ago that they had lost their mother and now they are saying goodbye to their father for who knows how long.

When they stop talking and give brief hugs Hakoda walks up to me. "Hey Y/N, I know that you have no obligation to but I would like it if you could watch over the kids for me. I know you and Kya were close friends and I just want to makes sure that their safe, I know that Kya trusted you so I want to trust you too." He plays with his sleeves nervously.

I put my hand on his shoulder and slightly smile at him, "I'd be honored to watch over your kids. I'll make sure they're safe and well taken care of." He smiles at me and hugs me unexpectedly. When he lets go he waves back to Sokka and Katara while he walks back to the ships that were about to set sail. As we watch the ships leave everyone have a sad expression.

I walk up to Sokka and Katara, who were holding eachother, and put a hand on both of their shoulders. "How about we go and feed the penguins?" I give them my best smile, trying to have them understand that I'm a friend. They were hesitant at first but followed me to where the penguins were playing, and for the rest of the day we were trying to get to know each other.

~time skip~~6 years later~

Over the past six years I took care of Katara and Sokka like their father asked me to do. We grew close and think of eachother as family, of course I always told them stories of their mother and father so that they never forget. And with the help of their grandmother, Kanna, they grew up and became fine young adults.

During these years I kept in touch with Hakoda and regularly updated him on what's going on with his kids. And about two years ago he confessed his love to me, although it was unexpected I was happy and confessed my feelings for him as well. I didn't dare tell Katara and Sokka as I knew they would oppose to even the thought of thier father loving another women.

So we hid it from everyone and thought that the next time we see each other we would tell them together. We wrote love letters to one another and on anniversaries we would send eachother gifts. While he sent flowers I sent portraits of Sokka and Katara and I being happy.

"Hey Y/N, me and Katara are gonna go and catch some fish!" I look up and see the siblings getting ready to leave.

"Ok, you kids be safe now. Remember the water in unpredictable." I walk up to them and pull Katara's hood over her head to keep her warm, the south is cold after all. I then go to Sokka and do the same. He gives me a pouty face saying "I'm not a kid anymore." I giggle at his expression and back away a few feet patiently waiting for them to set off, waving as I see their figures disappear from my sight.

~time skip~~they back with baldy~~

When they arrive they ask for me to look after the boy with arrow tattoos and explain to me where exactly they found him.

"So while Katara was having her tantrum she was also using her water bending and cracked the iceberg open and then a bright light came from it and inside was this kid!"

"Yes I saw the light I was worried for you two, I thought something bad happened." I place a wet rag on the young boys forehead as he slept peacefully. "Do you know anything about him? He doesn't look to be from any of the three nations." I turn my head slightly to the door as I hear kids playing with what seems to be the bison.

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