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✿luvlyluna_x's playlist

--> I'm with you- Avril Lavigne

--> Lost Boy- Ruth B

--> How far i'll go- Moana

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˜”*°•.˜”*°• "long journey." •°*”˜.•°*”˜

A few weeks had past.

Lynn and her team including Francisco are now at the bus ready for their game at Uptown.

Then suddenly.

"We have to go pee." A few players said.

"Woah woah woah. We can't go number-" Lynn got cut off by the rest of the players.

"Shut Up LJ." The rest of her teammates said while Lynn was shocked but can't help but laugh at her whole team who was furious of peeing.

The bus stopped meaning its tinkle tinkle little star time.

A few minutes had past and the team we're finished tinkling.

Except. Lynn and Francisco.

"I'm all done now Margo and-wait. Margo?!" Lynn called out for her bestfriend but she was nowhere to be found. As well as the bus.

She was freaking out.

She then heard a door opening.

She followed her gaze to the sound and she found herself looking at the boys' bathroom door.

Francisco went outside and he found Lynn looking at him.

They had eye contact for a few seconds when Francisco noticed that there was no bus.

"Uhhh Junior?" He asked. "Why isn't the bus here?"

"I don't know Francis. Why isn't the bus here?" Lynn asked back sarcastically.

"Whatever. They'll come back right?"

"I guess so?"

5 hours had passed.

Still no sign of the yellow bus.

"That's it i'm walking." Francisco said giving up.

"What? You can't just leave me here." Lynn complained at the boy.

"Then why don't you follow me?"

"Great Idea."

They walked until their legs were sore.

"That's it i gave up. I'm just gonna take the bus." Lynn said giving up. Francisco laughed at the girl with him.

"We're in the middle of the woods,dear."

BOOK 1:The First Shooting StarWhere stories live. Discover now