twenty one

211 7 11

✿luvlyluna_x's playlist

--> Jealous- Alexander Porat

--> Love Wheel- ASTRO<3


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˜”*°•.˜”*°• "karma's a bitch." •°*”˜.•°*”˜

Lynn woke up to see the bed empty.

'Francisco must be awake already.'

She went out of the room and saw Francisco and Mrs. Anne at the living room with two more people. She walked to them. Once Mrs. Anne saw Lynn her face brightened.

"Oh Lynn. There you are. Goodmorning." She greeted her.

"Goodmorning." She took a seat at a chair near Francisco who was basically glaring at the boy near the lady who looks like Mrs. Anne's grand daughter.

"Colten. This is Lynn the one i was talking about. Lynn this is Colten my grand daughter's son." The light brown haired boy looked at Lynn and smiled. She smiled back.

A few hours had passed.

"Remember when Rowdy Mcquads did his special stunt at the game?"

"I would never forget." The two laughed together while from afar Francisco was just watching tv.

'They're so noisy.'

It's obvious he's just jealous.

'Its been 4 hours and their still talking.'

"So... is he you're boyfriend?" Colten asked while pointing at Francisco. Lynn shook her head.

"Not yet."

"Not yet? Is he courting you?" Lynn shrugged her shoulders.

"Maybe?" Lynn said hiding a smile while memories of her and Francisco went passing by her head.

'look at them all lovey dovey not even minding me and stuff. pfft, as if she's going to end up with him.'

Francisco rolled his eyes since he couldn't hear their conversation.

Yeah he's just jealous. He turned off the tv and went to their room.

A few more hours had past.

It was night time. Lynn didn't talk to Francsisco the whole day. As in.

Francisco was at their room lying in bed. Staring at the ceiling as if he's a psycho.

'It's been a whole day and they're still talking.'

Lynn was with Colten at the backyard bench.

"You know its my first time to meet someone that has alot of common with me." Lynn said.

"Yeah same here." They talked until Lynn fell asleep. Colten got no other choice but to carry her bridal style to the guest room.

He knocked on the door. Francisco opened it.

'Oh she's already asleep.'

He took Lynn away from Colten's arms. Before Colten would say something he close the door not wanting to see his face.

Francisco placed her on the bed gently while stroking her hair. He then fell asleep with his arms around her.

They both woke up and saw the screen once again.

'Another movie.'
i'm so sorry if this took so long. i completly forgot about the other chapter please forgive me omg this is embarrassing. i just hope you enjoy this.

BOOK 1:The First Shooting StarWhere stories live. Discover now