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✿luvlyluna_x's playlist

--> I miss you- Clean Bandit ft.Julia Michaels

--> Missing Someone- Dj Quads

--> Miss You- Louis Tomlinson

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• "On the way." •°*"˜.•°*"˜

Lynn and Francisco were now at the ground floor with all their stuff packed. Ready to leave.

"I hope you two come back. We're gonna miss you." Jorgina said while looking at the two teens. "We're gonna miss you too. Don't worry we're gonna come back." Francisco smiled at the now married lady.

"You guys should be safe ok? Jorgina and I want to see those future kids you two will have." Lynn blushed. "No kids." Lynn said who is now red as a tomato. "Just kidding kid. I want you two to comeback and visit us ok?" Sebastian said kneeling to be at the same height as Lynn and hold her shoulder treating her like his own kid. "Ofcourse. We'll comeback soon. We promise."

"Before you two go." The two couple said reaching for their pocket.

"Here. A little souvineir for you to remember us." Jorgina gave Francisco a bow tie he wore on their wedding and a photo of the four of them.

"I got something for you. Its not that special but just look at it if you miss us." Sebastian handed her a hairclip she wore for their wedding and just like Jorgina. He also gave her the photo.

"Thank youuu. You guys are like parents to us even if it only lasted 2 weeks. We promise we'll come back." The two teens smiled. The four hugged each other.

"Let's go guys. We don't want to be late." Harper interrupted their moment.

"You guys better go now. Hope to see you kids soon like you promise." They nodded.

'I'm gonna miss those two.'

They arrived at the bus stop and just in time. The bus arrived.

"Can i sit beside you Francisco?" Again. He looked at Lynn who didn't gave any answer but just went inside the bus without making any eye contact with him. She sat on a random seat while Harper's cousin sat beside her. Francisco had no choice but sat next to Harper.

Lynn wasn't still in the mood. She knows to herself that he still isn't her boyfriend. But why does she care? She's Lynn Loud. Why would she be interested with a boy like Francisco? She doesn't want her story to be like those 'playing hard to get' story or 'popular athlete and the heartthrob' kind of theme. A girl like Lynn doesn't need to be jealous. A lot of boys already admire her but why does it still feel different? This should be normal to her by now.

She saw something from the road. She looked back but then lost it since the bus driver was driving so fast. She then notice Harper was asleep while leaning her head to Francisco's shoulder. Francisco's head was leaning on her head fast asleep as well. She felt something heavy in her chest. Is it her heart? She sat properly and looked at the window. She took the hair clip Sebastian gave her.

"Good times." She put the clip back to her bag. She looked at the window again.

'I miss my family.'

A tear fell down from her eye.

'I want to go back home.'

Another tear fell from her eye.

'I want to be with them.'

She cried silently.

'I guess its true. Silent crying does hurt.'

BOOK 1:The First Shooting StarWhere stories live. Discover now