twenty six

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✿luvlyluna_x's playlist

--> Crush- WekiMeki<3

--> You're Love- Juris

--> Heart Shaker- TWICE<3

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˜”*°•.˜”*°• "river." •°*”˜.•°*”˜

Feel free to play the song ↑

Lynn and Francisco woke up.

"Goodmorning baby." Lynn looked at him confused.

"What did you just call me?"

"Baby. Duhh." Lynn looked at him weirdly this time.

"Because you're mine. You're my baby."

"We aren't aren't even official yet."

"Yet." He winked.

They continued their day by taking a bath at a clean river.

Lynn was wearing a sports bra along with her shorts.

and yeah francisco was just shirtless with his jersey shorts as well.

Lynn was just floating while Francisco was at the bottom. He then carried Lynn in a bridal style position when he got up.

Francisco looked at her then smiled. She looked at him then blushed.

Francisco chuckled.

"I'm guessing you like me." He said. Lynn blushed even more. "Knew it." He smiled a bit wider.

"I do not." Lynn now looks like a tomato. Then Francisco did something unexpected.

He kissed her.

At the forehead of course.

Lynn burried her face at Francisco's chest because of embarrassment.

"You're cute when you're like that. Not competetive and stuff. You a little girly is pretty cute for you but you being mine is even better." Francisco said.

"Why? Am i not your's yet?" Francisco then blushed as well.

Francisco got out of the water while still carrying Lynn. He let her stand up and gave her a towel. She thanked him.

Francisco was doing his own business but then he stopped.

Lynn noticed and stopped as well. She looked at him confused. Francisco snapped out of it once Lynn stopped drying herself.

"Like what you're seeing?" Lynn smirked. Francisco's body moved on its own. He nodded.

"You'll be getting more of this in the future." Lynn winked. Francisco blushed.

They then continued to get dressed and started looking where the court is since they are for sure they're siblings are waiting there or something. But if not. their journey is just going to be longer.

They are no longer in the woods.

They seperated and asked a bunch of random people.

"Excuse me ma'am. But do you know where the baseball field is?" Lynn asked trying to catch up with the woman that is in a hurry (lady;))

"Sorry but no."

"Hi sir but may i ask if you know where the baseball field is located?" Francisco asked a man at his early 30's.

"No sorry." The man shooked his head.

The two decided to meet up again.

"Got any?" Francisco asked. Lynn shook her head slowly. She pointed towards him looking confused. He shook his head as well.

They sat down at the stairs.

Francisco looked down. Lynn noticed. She wrapped her arm around his shoulders and pull him closer.

"Atleast we got more time together." Lynn looked at him. Just by the look of Lynn's eyes full of sincere. He smiled as well. Lynn stood up and helped him as well.

They continued walking while they're fingers were interwind with each other.

They don't care if they'll find the field or not. All they care about is being together through the process of surviving.

Sure. They're not a couple but the feeling is still mutual.

When will the First Shooting Star come?

Or Will it still come?
this was suppose to be late since i was still watching meteor garden but nooo there was no signal in our COUNTRY since our president did something idk i don't want to blame him but it was meteor garden😭my baby lei is there😭. Anyways. Since it was suppose to be "early" for today i actually finished it last night but as always noooo. I WOKE UP LATE. but yeah this book is about to end as well then the nxt book;) don't ask why there's no chapter for the lubenny one it's because i'm gling to upload the epilogue and the last chapter for that on my birthday. don't ask when its in this month and its a last digit number. you'll know it soon but yeah. hope you enjoy this chapter.

BOOK 1:The First Shooting StarWhere stories live. Discover now