twenty three

209 8 14

✿luvlyluna_x's playlist

--> Don't know what to do,Don't know what to say- Richard Yap

--> Get You To The Moon- Kina

--> Dreams Come True- <3

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˜”*°•.˜”*°• "Not sure enough." •°*”˜.•°*”˜

They woke up the same time. They look at each other.

"The past dream." They said at the same time. "Nahhh."

They got ready for the day.

Lynn, the usual she hang out with Colten.

Francisco? She talked to Mrs. Anne avout the situation.

"I see..." Mrs. Anne said listening.

"So Mrs. Anne may i ask you? What are we?"

"There's a chance you guys can be soulmates. And there is another chance you guys can't."

"Why not?"

"If you guys had the past and future dream. You guys need to complete something before you two will be seperated again. I'm gonna say this again to you. If you both woke up feeling complete. That should be the time both of you should seperate."

He nodded.

"But. That is only mission one. 20% of being soulmates. There will be a lot to happen since both of you are only 13."

"How will we know the 80% of being soulmates?" He asked confused while tilting his head.

"Oh those 80% of being soulmates? You guys just need to find that out on you're own. Or maybe someone will tell. The universe moves different ways."

"It depends if both of you make the right decision." Mrs. Anne added.

"H-how will we know the right decisions?" He stuttered.

"You guys need to complete this mission together. Again. Together. There will be more adventures for the both of you in the future if you guys really are soulmates." He nodded.

"Thanks Mrs. Anne." He smiled.

Lynn was listening to they're conversation since she was about to get a drink of water.

'Together to be soulmates? So does that really mean we'll be soulmates in the end? This sounds good.'

With that.

It always happens everyday.

Colten and Lynn hanging out.

Francisco and Mrs. Anne talking.

Until Lynn started to get annoyed of Colten.

"Well goodnight." Lynn said going to the guest room.

"Goodnight as well." Colten said.

Lynn closed the door behind her.

"When are you planning us to leave already?" Lynn asked while staring at the beautiful sky at the window.

"It's up to you. When do you want it to be?" Francisco said while sitting beside Lynn to watch the beautiful scenery.

"The day after tomorrow."

"Ok then." He looked at the stars. Same goes to her.

"Who are you really?" Lynn asked randomly.

"I'm the Francisco you didn't expect to become. What about you? Who really are you?"

"I'm the Lynn you didn't expected to be."

"If that's the case. I used to be the boy who always runs to you if i wanted to annoy someone. But the real reason why i tended to annoy you is because i wanted you're attention." Francisco confessed.

"If this is what you want. The only reason why i kept ignoring you is because i want you to keep on annoying me so we could spend some more time together."

"Really?" He asked.

She nodded. "Really."

"Do you think we're soulmates?" He asked again looking at the sky.

"Yeah but somehow not. The future got alot of things for us. We might make the wrong move."

"As long as we're together. We can make our dreams happen. I promise."

Lynn looked at Francisco while her looked back.

They smiled.
i somehow just woke up late.

BOOK 1:The First Shooting StarWhere stories live. Discover now