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✿luvlyluna_x's playlist

--> New Light- John Mayer

--> Back To You- Louise Tomlinson ft. Bebe Rexha

--> In The Name Of Love- Martin Garrix & Bebe Rexha

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˜”*°•.˜”*°• "Violent and Feisty." •°*”˜.•°*”˜

"Lynn and Francisco." The owner of the café called both of them. They looked at each other then went to her office.

"So i have noticed both of you are doing a great job. Why not add you're allowance and give them early? I heard you guys are going to attend a wedding as well. You guys are only 13 and no one is here to take care of you guys. Here." Their boss gave them 2 hundred dollars each.

"Th-thank you ma'am." They stuttered then went out of her office. They cheered and hugged each other.

Lynn felt butterflies inside her stomach. It felt like she was on cloud 9. They stopped hugging each other.

"I told you we could do it." Francisco said.

"Thanks." Lynn smiled. Lynn grabbed a glass of water. Nope. She's not dehydrated. It's for real.

'No wonder my siblings like being inlove.'

"Come on Junior. Let's go home."

They both walked together on their way to the hotel once again. Suddenly Francisco interwinded his fingers with Lynn's.

"What's with the hands Francis?" Lynn asked him confused.

"I just want you to be safe."

"Because you're mine." Lynn rolled her eyes at his silliness.

"Whatever." She chuckled.

They entered they're hotel room.

"Well, i'm going to shower." Francisco said gettinga towel then went to the bathroom. While he's doing that. Lynn was changing into her night clothes. She then suddenly needs to tinkle. She put on her sweat pants then waited on the bathroom door. The door opened revealing Ftancisco shirtless with a towel wrapped around his waist. Both weren't looking so they ended up. You guessed it.

They we're on top of each other.

Francisco was on top of Lynn this time.

"I didn't know you like to be at the bottom Junior." Lynn then blushed. She flipped Francisco and now Lynn is on top of him like in the woods.

"No ones on top except for me ok?" Lynn smirked and played along.

"I never knew the Lynn Loud Junior was violent and feisty." Lynn blushed but then smirked. She went closer to his face. Francisco held Lynn's waist. Lynn started laughing. Francisco gave her a questioning look.

"You thought i'm going to do IT with you? Again Francis. We're only 13. Maybe another time." Lynn laughed once again. Francisco blushed.

"Now get dressed i just need to tinkle."

They did their business then Lynn went to the balcony once again. Francisco joined her.

"So...I heard about you having a boyfriend last month." Francisco started while looking at the sparkling sky.

"Ex." Lynn chuckled.

"What's his name? Why is the reason you guys broke up?"

"Dexter. Ever since my friends started dating i get left out. So i started looking for a date and it ended up with Dexter." Francisco nodded a bit jealous.

"Are you guys like fine with it?" Lynn nodded.

"Yep. We're still friends."


"Why you asking?"


"Aww you're jealous." Lynn pinched his cheek.

"Ofcourse i'm not. Everybody knows that you have a crush on me first."

"Nope. I was just dehydrated."

"So you're saying you never like having a crush?" She nodded.

"Oh." Francsisco uttered sadly. He looked at the sky once again.

"You know i don't really like having crushes right? I just really like focusing on my career. But nobody knows that i like someone for a long time but i'm not focusing on that much. I mean, that love letter was a long time ago yet i still haven't realize that you're still the person i like." Lynn said without leaving her gaze from the sky.

Francisco blushed. Then looked back at the stars fanboying inside.

'I wish you also knew i like you too.'

i hope you like today's chapter.

BOOK 1:The First Shooting StarWhere stories live. Discover now