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✿luvlyluna_x's playlist

--> Stand By Me- Ben E.

--> Just the two of us- Bill Withers

--> Come away with me- Norah Jones

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˜”*°•.˜”*°• "Me too." •°*”˜.•°*”˜

"I'm just kidding." Lynn laughed.

She is really loving the moment right now.

She can't believe her crush. The boy that everybody is drooling over. The boy she always looks at from afar. The boy she has been daydreaming of. Is with her in the middle of the woods. Having fun. Without anyone interrupting them.

Francisco was enjoying the moment while it's still lasting.

He's speechless about what was going on right now. The girl that every boy admires. The girl that every boy loves. The girl he doesn't own. Is with him in the middle of the woods. Sitting on a log while watching the beautiful Blue and Orange sky.

"Hey Junior." Francisco started of.


"Why do all boys admire you?"

A smirk then came from Lynn's face.

"Aww. Is Francisco jealous?" She said while making an cute expression.

"Me? Jealous? Pfft why would i be jealous? I mean every girl is drooling over me. Maybe including you." Lynn choked on her salyva. He was just wiggling his eyebrows while the Loud Junior is choking.

"I would never." Lynn said rolling her eyes.

"Sure you do." Francisco said still not believing her. Lynn rolled her eyes.

"Whatever." She said while He chuckled.

They both started walking once again until it's getting late.

9:45 pm.

"Where are we gonna sleep?" Francisco asked. "I don't know. We can sleep at that tree's root." Lynn said while pointing at a tree."

They both stood up and went to that tree. Francisco sat down while Lynn was just standing.

'How's my family doing?'

He looked at Lynn and raise an eyebrow.

"Are you alright Junior? You seem to be worried." Francisco asked full of concern.

"Nah. Just worried about how my family is doing." Lynn looked at the dark sky with no stars.

"Sit down Junior." Francisco said while patting a spot beside him. She followed what he said then he rested her head on his lap.

He started playing with her hair.

"Are you tired with all the running?" Lynn nodded.

"To be honest Francisco. I'm happy you're with me today." She turn around to face Francisco and smiled. He smiled back.

"Me too Junior. Me too."

BOOK 1:The First Shooting StarWhere stories live. Discover now