twenty seven

190 5 2

✿luvlyluna_x's playlist

--> Moya Moya- Weki Meki<3

--> Rainbow- South Border

--> On the wings of Love- Kyla

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˜”*°•.˜”*°• "memories with you." •°*”˜.•°

They we're walking until it was night.

"Hey..." Lynn started. Francisco hummed in response.

"I'm gonna miss you once we see our families already."

"I'm gonna miss you too." Francisco said back.


"You know...besides from you i'm also going to miss the memories we made." Lynn nodded since she agreed.

"Who knows. We might complete the 20% mission of being soulmates." Lynn said. Francisco looked at her. Without saying a word. Lynn then added. "Yes. I overheard you and mrs. Anne's conversation. We need to complete the 20% if we still can we might as well make it up to 100% percent. I'm really looking forward being you're soulmate." Lynn then leaned her head towards his shoulder still walking with they're hand interwined.

They sat down at a park bench. They looked up.

"Can i ask you a question?" Francisco asked.

"You just did." Francisco then gave her a 'i'm serious' look.

"Fine. Continue."

"What is a miracle that happens everyday?" He asked her.

"Waking up being hugged by you. Spending my day having you by my side and looking at this beautiful dark sky while the stars are shining." Lynn looked at him.


Lynn nodded. Francisco then wrapped his arm around her shoulders. You know the usual. She then rested her head at his shoulders. While Francisco's other hand was holding Lynn's hand.

"Do you still remember when we we're having a scene at basketball practice?" Francisco mentioned.

"How can i forget?" Lynn said.

Lynn went out of the fitting room with Margo.

Someone and when i mean someone Francisco threw a ball at Lynn. It hit her arm.

"Hey! Watch it." Lynn yelled. Francisco saw her.

"Sorry baby." Francisco teased. Lynn got the ball and get a marker.

'don't call me baby.' She wrote on the ball using a marker. She then threw it at him.

'Ok babe.' He got a marker as well and wrote it at the other line of the basketball. He then throw it at her. She decided to play along.

'Ok babe. Anything you want.' She then threw it at him. Before he could read it she then left with Margo to go home since Lori was busy with Bobby so she couldn't pick Lynn up.

After Lynn left with her bestfriend. Francisco read it and blushed.

"Great times." Lynn said while the memory flashed back to her head.

"Oh and the waterbottle mistake." Lynn brought that embarrassing moment.

Lynn was standing near the bleechers. She was about to give her crush a bottle of water.

He kept going near her and near her until someone interrupted.

"Thanks for the water." Francisco appeared and took the waterbottle thanking her.

"That wasn't even for you."

"But you said it was for you're crush and everybody knows i'm you're crush." Lynn looked at her in a weird way.

"Uhmmm No." They both chuckled.

"Will we still have a chance to do these stuff together?" Francisco asked.

"If we're soulmates i guess it's possible." Lynn then hugged him while she burried her face to his chest.

Francisco smiled.

'i love you Lynn Loud Junior.'

BOOK 1:The First Shooting StarWhere stories live. Discover now