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✿luvlyluna_x's playlist

--> Jealousy- Monsta X<3

--> 7%- XMASwu

--> You're My World- Astro<3

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˜”*°•.˜”*°• "Job well done?" •°*”˜.•°*”˜

Francisco felt something heavy on his shoulder. He looked at his left shoulder and saw Lynn's head resting in his shoulder. Asleep.

He smiled. He carried her in a bridal style position then went back inside. He places her gently on the bed then tucked her in. He lay down beside her facing backwards then went to sleep.

3:37 am.

Francisco felt two arms wrapped around his waist and a leg.

He turn his head and saw Lynn backhugging him. He smiled then went back to sleep.

7:45 am.

Lynn woke up with her arms around Francisco.

She wish she could wake up beside him for the rest of her life.

She stood up then took a shower. Francisco woke up by the sound of the bathroom door opening.

"Get up Francis. We need to get a job. We don't have money left." Lynn said drying her hair.

"What? Get a job? Lynn. We're 13."

"Oh really? Do you think a regular 13 year old can book a hotel and survive in the middle of the woods? Francisco we don't have money left. Where are we suppose to eat?" Lynn said.

"Ugh. Fine." Francisco got up then went to the bathroom to take a bath.

They were all ready then went around the city. They eventually ended up working at a café who accepts 13 year old athletes.

Lynn as a waitress and Francisco was in charge of the cashier register.

Things started to have a bit of jealousy.

The female customers who are teens can't stop flirting with Francisco while Boys kept asking Lynn for her number.

"Hey waitress." A boy with the same age as Lynn called her. She went to him.

"Are you single?" The boy asked. Lynn was lost for words.

"U-uhm me?" Lynn stuttered pointing to her self. The boy nodded. Francisco noticed so he needs to make this thing done.

"Hey Junior this order needs to be placed at table 3." Francisco yelled enough for her to hear.

"Oops. Sorry i need to go back to work." Lynn excused her self while Francisco sighed in relief.

"Hey ma'am may i take you're order?" Francisco smiled.

"Hi may i take you as my order? Because you look delicious." The 14 year old girl said winking. Lynn heard it then yelled.

"Francis we need another coffee for table 8." Lynn yelled. Francisco got the message.

Let's just say their not ready to give each other up after that night when they had the first look of the sky.

It felt something different for them.

It somehow sparked.

They know there ways.

BOOK 1:The First Shooting StarWhere stories live. Discover now