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✿luvlyluna_x's playlist

--> Just A Dream- Nelly

--> Lucid Dreams- Juice WRLD

--> Dreams- Bazzi

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˜”*°•.˜”*°• "Who are they?" •°*”˜.•°*”˜

Francisco woke up to see Lynn crying near the window. He was about to go near her but he's stuck. He looked at his shoulders to see Harper laying down on his shoulder.

'Cute yet disgusting.'

Francisco moves his shoulders to wake Harper up. She woke and started acting all cute and stuff. He looked at Lynn who was still crying. He leaned at the chair infront of him which is the cahir Lynn was sitting on.

"Hey Junior are you alright?" Lynn nodded while wiling the tears from her eyes. Francisco gave her a concern look.

"Are you sure?"

"Yep i'm sure."

After that he can't stop thinking about Lynn. Why was she crying?

'Did i do something wrong?'

He look even more concern.

"Hey Junior. Why are you crying?"

"Just go back to sleep."

Ouch. That must've hurt. He went back to his seat like she said and kept quiet. His eyes started getting heavy. The last thing he knew he was fast asleep.

He woke up with Lynn and is now at a house. Just a house he has never been. He was with Lynn. The twist is they we're all grown up. He saw his older self. Lynn who was now look like she's 23.

'Is that us from the future.'

He looked at the screen. Lynn was now wearing a white shirt with a red windbreaker along with jersey shorts. She entered the house then 3 kids started running to her.

"MOMMY AND DADDY ARE HOME." A kid said when they saw the two entered the house.

"MOMMYYYYY DADDYYY." The girl said running towards them.

"Hi princess. How was you're day?" Francisco said.

"It was great daddy."

"What about you two?"

"It was a bomb mom."

"It was awsome."

They gathered up at the dining table while Lynn was in the kitchen cooking dinner while the 3 kids who are apperently their future children are at the dining table. Francisco went to the kitchen where Lynn was. He wrapped his arms around her waist backhugging her while she was cooking.

The screen started glitching. It showed another clip.

They we're sharing the same bed and it was at the middle of the night. The door opened and it was their daughter.

"Mommy Daddy can i sleep here for tonight? I can't sleep." The couple woke up.

"Come here sweetie." Lynn said patting at the middle of the bed signaling for her daughter to sleep at the middle of the bed. Like what her mother said. She went to them and cuddled with her parents.

Again. The screen glitches. Is it another clip?

It was Lynn and her son. She was helping him with homework.

"What are you two doing?" Francisco went to them.

"Babe,can you help us? it says here In a bag full of small balls, 1/4 of these balls are green, 1/8 are blue, 1/12 are yellow and the remaining 26 white. How many balls are blue?" Lynn asked.

"Well when we we're in 7th grade all i remember is looking at the stars but i guess 6 balls are blue." Francsico said going beside his son.

"Thanks dad." Their son said fist bumping his dad.

The screen glitched once again.

"MOMMY I FOUND A LOVE LETTER FROM FELIX'S BAG." Their daughter shouted while holding an envelope with a heart. Running around the house looking for their mother. When she saw her dad she came running to him handing the love letter. Francisco looked at her confused while their other son who is named Felix was catching up on her but stopped when he saw his father.

"From Felix's bag." Their daughter said giving the letter to his father. Francisco smiled then leaded Felix to the couch. While their daughter found her other brother to annoy.

"You know Felix. When you're mom and i we're still thirteen. You're mom thought i sent her a love letter back then so she started giving me a sign and stuff but in the end she gave me a love letter expressing how she felt." He patted his son's head.

"So you're not mad?" He shook his head.

"Why would i be mad? I'm actually proud."

"Wait. Really?" He nodded.

The screen started to fade.

Francisco woke up and saw Harper waking her up. He rolled his eyes.

'So much for dreaming.'

Little did he knew. Lynn also had the same dream.

BOOK 1:The First Shooting StarWhere stories live. Discover now