twenty two

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✿luvlyluna_x's playlist

--> Unbelivable- Why Don't We (ilovethemsomuch)

--> Story Of My Life- One Direction

--> Past Life- Trevor Daniel

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˜”*°•.˜”*°• "How we met." •°*”˜.•°*”˜

Lynn was with Margo walking in the hallways. There was a crowd so they decided to check that out. It was the popular kids. They didn't pay attention to them much until Francisco bumped into Lynn.

"Hey watch it." Lynn said without looking up.

"Aren't you gonna say sorry?" Francisco looked at Lynn in a competetive way.

"Why will i? I don't even know you." Everybody gasped.

"That's why you should be sorry. Because you don't know me and i don't know you."

"Well I'm sorry for who ever you are." Lynn picked her books up rolling her eyes.

"I'm Francisco." Francisco said handing his hand to the girl he just bumped into.

"Lynn Junior." Lynn said taking his hand to get up and shook his hand.

With that they left and went to class with their friends.

The bell rang signaling it's lunch time.

Lynn sat with her roller derby team at their usual lunch table.

"So i heard the Lynnsanity bumped into one of the popular kids. Which group Lynn?" Lainey asked.

"From the athlete section." Lynn rolled her eyes uninterested. Her friends 'ooouhhhh' at her.

"Who is it? Byron? Matthew? Daniel?-" Maddie got cut off by Lynn.

"Francisco." She rolled her eyes again still looking uninterested. Her friends, the usual. They squealed,Fangirl and kept on screaming.

"Why are you guys screaming? It's just a boy that i'm not interested in and totally not my type." Her friends pointed at someone at her back. She turned around to see Francisco a few inches away from her.

"Not you're type? Sad. You're exactly my type." He smirked while looking at her up and down. Lynn's friends started screaming even more causing chaos at the cafeteria. Lynn covered her face from embarrasment.

"Why you covering you're pretty face? Blushing because i'm so you're type?" He hold Lynn's hand that is covering her face and moving it down so he could see Lynn's face properly without anything covering it. Lynn stood up and walked out of the cafeteria. Leaving her friends who were still screaming in the cafeteria.

Class ended.

Lynn went to the court and sat on the bleechers.

"This is stupid LJ." Lynn stood up and grabbed a rock from the ground and threw it out the court.

"WHATEVER HE DOES. DON'T FALL INLOVE OK?" Lynn shouted while throwing another rock.

"Why? Fallen inlove with me already?" Lynn groaned while hearing Francisco's voice.

"No. I will not fall for you."

"Oh really?" He looked at her in a competetive way. She nodded.

"Prove it." He looked at her in a more competetive way.

BOOK 1:The First Shooting StarWhere stories live. Discover now