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✿luvlyluna_x's playlist

--> Perfect- Ed Sheeran

--> Jealousy- Monsta X<3

--> DRAMA- TXT<3

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˜”*°•.˜”*°• "Harper who?" •°*”˜.•°*”˜

It was the day of the wedding.

Lynn wore an off shoulder soft berry gown while Francisco wore a tux.

Lynn's hair was curled and tied into a half bun. Along with heels and make up.

Francisco was just about to check on Lynn but Lynn opened the door to meet Francisco's eyes.

His eyes meet her's as well.

"Junior? Is that you?" Francisco smiled surprisingly. He couldn't believe his own eyes.

"If you're going to make fun of me. Make fun of me all you want. I'm just doing this for Sebastian and Jorgina. Bleh" Lynn crossed her arms infront of her chest and stick out her tongue.

"No. It's just. You're so beautiful." Francisco's eyes shined. He was still speechless on how Lynn looks.

"Don't stare at me like that. Come on we got a wedding to attend to." Lynn pulled Francisco as if she's in a hurry.

They arrived at the church in a few minutes.

They walked the aisle together.

And much more.

It was now time for the reception.

All the Bridesmaid and Groomsmen are sitting in one table.

Ofcourse, Lynn and Francisco sat beside each other but not just them. A girl sat beside Francisco. At first Lynn didn't mind that much since it was just a small deal. She doesn't want to make a big deal out of it so she just ignored it.

They we're just talking until she heard the girl beside him.

"Uhm hi. I'm Harper what's you're name?" The girl named Harper said to Francisco.

"Francisco." He said.

'They we're just introducing each other what's so bad about it?'

"Francisco... Francisco... Where did i heard of that name before." She keeps snapping her finger while thinking sarcastically. "Oh yeah. I'll see in my future."

'Ew. Future? Sure. He'll see you suffering in the future.'

Lynn rolled her eyes. She was flirting with him but he didn't realize as well he was flirting back. Idiots.

They we're now outside. With Lynn ofcourse. Where else should she go?

"So how did you two met?" Harper asked. They explained everything from the bus to the wedding.

"Uptown? My uncle works at a town going to that city. I know where you can take a ride. My cousin and i we're just about to go there."

"Great. When are you guys going there?" Francisco asked.


Lynn started feeling left out.

'Why did i got myself into this mess? The other day i should be playing baseball and celebrating. I should be at home with Mr. Grouse watching sports, annoying Lincoln and hanging out with dad. Instead i'm here with the most annoying boy i'm starting to like and a girl we just met a few hours ago. What happened? I know its the driver's fault but why does it have to be me? I wonder what my family is up to right now.'

"Let's go back inside." The three went back inside.

"Grab a partner and it's time to dance." The host said while playing a slow song.

"Francisco wanna dance?" Francisco looked at Lynn who just nodded at him. He smiled and danced with Harper. You know. The prom style and stuff.

'Who are you kidding LJ. You should just go back home rather than wasting you're time but you're doing this for Sebastian and Jorgina right? Let's just do this. This better be done.'

She watched Francisco slowdancing.

But not with her. She smiled sadly.

'Atleast he's happy.'

She went outside and sat on a bench from the garden. She looked at the sky.

The stars, The moon but she was his sun.

She admired the moon who barrowed light from the sun like Harper who barrowed Francisco from Lynn.

Why is Harper the sun you may ask? She needs to stay away from him a million miles.

Harper might be Francisco's sun but Lynn was his Universe.

And that's what she wanted.

She felt someone sat beside her.

It was a boy. Nope. Not just a boy. But him.

"So you're looking at the stars again?" Francisco talked to her.

"Why? It's not like it's bad or something. Why are you here anyways? Finish you're dance." Lynn looked down to avoid eye contact.

"Nah. I noticed you left. Why? Are you jealous or something?" She shook her head slowly.

"Then what's with the face?"

"I'm just scared of losing you."

finally some drama lol HAHHAHA i hope you enjoy this chapter and thanks for the supportttt.

BOOK 1:The First Shooting StarWhere stories live. Discover now