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✿luvlyluna_x's playlist

--> Perfect Strangers- Jonas Brothers

--> Love Someone- Lukas Graham

--> White Love- Monsta X<3

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˜”*°•.˜”*°• "one bed." •°*”˜.•°*”˜

They talked for a while then fell asleep in each other's arms.

8 hours passed Francisco woke up by the birds chirping. He was about to stand up but can't. He looked down and saw the most beautiful scene. Lynn was sleeping while the sun was hitting her face.

He blushed. She woke up to be greeted by a handsome face staring at her. She stretched making her chest you know. (a/n:i'm not trying to be a pervert but i'm basically the most dirty minded one in our group of friends so bare with me. sorry.)

He blushed more and started getting horny. She looked at him while the sun is still hitting her face making her eyes shine.

"Goodmorning." Lynn said smiling.

"U-ugh. Morning." He said nervously. While scratching his nape.

"Is there something wrong?" Lynn asked concern.

"Nope." He was so embarassed.

"Well. If you say so. Better get up we still need to get out of here." Lynn said standing up helping Francisco stand up.

"Are you hungry?" Lynn asked.

"I'm fine. Are you? Where do you want to eat. Let's find a shortcut or something." Francisco said looking around while walking with Lynn.

"I'm fine as well. But let's find a place where we can find food." Lynn then nodded.

12:45 pm.

They walked until they saw a building. They we're in a town. They saw a convinient store across the street.

They ate Lunch then they'll be booking a hotel after. That was the only money they have left.
They got their bags. Filled with their clothes. Mostly jerseys.

They walked again till they arrived at a hotel.

"Hi we would like to book a room." Francisco said.

"Oh sure. You can have room 169 6th floor. How many weeks will you guys be staying?" The lady who was in her middle 30s asked. Lynn and Francisco looked at each other.

"For about two weeks maybe?"

They went to there room. They were shocked.

There was only one bed.

Literally one bed.

No space for another matress.

Lynn's jaw dropped. Francisco smirked.

"Looks like bed time is going to be a fantasy. Right Junior?" Francisco looked at her while smirking. He even got the courage to wink.

Lynn blushed as red as a tomato but she decided to just play along.

"Right." She winked at him as well. This time he's the one started blushing.

Lynn giggled and hit his arm. She put her bag on the bed while taking her clothes out. While Francisco was on the other side of the bed lying down watching Lynn.

A few minutes had past and Lynn was done. She went outside the room and went to the lady on the ground floor.

"Excuse me ma'am."

"Yes dear?"

"Why is their only one bed in our room?"

"Well ma'am that was the only room available in the whole building."

"Besides ma'am. You two look good together."

'Us? Look good together? No way. I mean, i wish there's a chance.'

hope you enjoy todays chapterr.

BOOK 1:The First Shooting StarWhere stories live. Discover now