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✿luvlyluna_x's playlist

--> 00:00- BTS<3

--> A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be- Jessica Benko

--> Falling- Trevor Daniel

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˜”*°•.˜”*°• "Soulmates." •°*”˜.•°*”˜

"Hey Lynn." Francisco started a new conversation.


"What's you're ideal type?"

"Hugh." Francisco looked at her confused.


"Oh nothing." Lynn laughed at his reaction.

"Whatever." Francisco laughed along.

"My ideal type is someone who can love me truly. Like how soccer players kick a ball. It hits me really hard." Francisco nodded.

"You know,my mom said if you make a wish on you're soulmates birthday. It will come true."

"Really? The only thing my mom told me about soulmates is the god's made an invisible red string around their finger. Those who are tied with your's is you're soulmate. It may have knots but it will never break."

"Who ever my soulmate is-" Francisco got cut off by Lynn.

"Will be the luckiest girl in the world." Lynn moved her gaze to him. Looked into his eyes with sincere.

'I guess i'm officially inlove.'

Francisco smiled at her.

"Same goes to you. Because their holding my world." Francisco said. His arms moved on its own to Lynn's waist while she wrapped her's around his neck. They moved closer and closer. A few more inches then the door opened interrupting their moment.

"Oops! Sorry wrong room." Sebastian apologized. They chuckled. They realize its getting late. They better go to sleep unless they want to be late for work the next day.

They went back inside closed the door. They looked at the sky one last time for the night. While they we're looking at the sky from the clear door. Francisco's arm was around Lynn's shoulder.

They went to the bed then slept. Cuddling.

7:30 am.

Lynn woke up by someone hugging her. She turned around then saw Francisco fast asleep. She was about to get out of bed but he held onto a firm grip onto her.

"Don't leave me stay here."

"But we need to get ready for work."

"Let's skip." He said tired.

"We can't. We need money."

"I don't want to go to work today."

"But-" She got cut off by Francisco's puppy eyes.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes. She's scared they might get in trouble.

"What if we get in trouble?"

"Let's just say we're 'sick'." Lynn smiled.

"Ok fine."

That day they didn't do anything except cuddle in bed.

Are they meant to be together?

Are they destined forever?

Are they soulmates like they wish they we're?

Are their strings connected with each other?

Or will it all end when they see their family once again?

Let's hope that the first shooting star will come.

Before its too late.
why do i fell like writing a movie? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA. anyways hope u enjoy the chapter.

BOOK 1:The First Shooting StarWhere stories live. Discover now