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✿luvlyluna_x's playlist

--> DAZZLE DAZZLE- Weki Meki<3

--> A Whole New World- Aladdin

--> Statue- Lil Eddie

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˜”*°•.˜”*°• "Old Lady." •°*”˜.•°*”˜

"Well, i guess this is goodbye cutie." Harper said while winking at Francisco. Lynn pulled him staying away from the two.

"Yeye. Whatever bye." Lynn said pulling him fast. They we're now not in sight.

"So...Let me guess. The dream?" He nodded.

"I told you we'll get three kids." Lynn looked at hin weirdly while he looked proud.

"That's not my point Francisco. Can't you believe it? We're married in the future."

"I actually believe it. But some part of me thinks that you're also not my soulmate."

"I know right. It feels like we need to complete something for us to be soulmates or else that dream won't come true." Francisco nodded again.

"How am i suppose to receive Felix's love letter? How can i name the little princess Francesca? How will i help Lyric with homework?" Lynn flicked his forehead.

"You doe doe bird we aren't even sure if we're soulmates yet."

"That's the point."

"Dude look. Chixx." A random fourteen year old boy went to them with his friend.

"So what's you're name babygirl?" The boy said looking at Lynn up and down.

"Sorry i'm taken." Lynn said backing off.

"Oh sure the 'sorry i'm taken' method. Try harder sweetie." The boy said coming closer.

"I told you i'm taken. I'm with my boyfriend over here." Lynn showed Francisco. The two boys laughed.

"Oh please. Prove it." With that. Lynn kissed Francisco on the cheek.

Cheek:( - Francisco

Poor thing.

"Oh. Sorry?" The two boys looked disgusted. I guess he just doesn't like cute things.

They have been walking at the city for 3 hours. The moon is now shining bright. An old lady bumped into them and drop her glasses.

"Oh sorry dear. I didn't see you here." The old lady squatted to look for her glasses.

"Sorry ma'am. Here are you're glasses. Are you alright?" The lady wore he glasses and nodded.

"Oh what cute little kids. What are you two doing in the city at night? It's dangerous especially if you have no adults with you."

"It was kind of a long story. But we're looking for a place to stay in." The old lady's face brightened.

"Why don't you two stay with me? I'll be living alone for the past few days anyways." Lynn and Francisco looked at each other and smiled.

The next thing they knew they are now inside a snuggly house. The lady served them pastries since they're starving.

"So why does two thirteen year olds lost?" The old lady said taking a seat after serving the goods.

"Let us introduce ourselves ma'am. I'm Francisco Jake Garcia."

"And i'm Lynn Loud Junior."

They told her everything that happened.

"Oh you poor things. It's alright. You kiddos can stay here whenever you want. My grandchild is just at a College reunion. So i'm all alone here. Please. Make yourself at home."

After eating those delicious pastries the lady gave them a place to sleep. The guestroom obviously.

Again. One bed.

One bed;) -Francisco

"Oh goody. One bed." Lynn said sarcastically. Francisco smiled. The regular routine. Shower and look at the stars. But there's no balcony. So they just have to look at the window. Its a good thing there's acouch next to the window and a desk. Lynn's eyes sparkle as the sky reflected to her eyes.



And Bright.

Francisco kneeled infront of the window to look at the sky as well. But instead he looked at Lynn. Lynn's position is making every part of her body curve. He stared at her in awe. She was so beautiful. He was just like a statue. He was just staring at her because of her beauty.

'I can't wait to have those 3 kids with you.'

hey guys so i already wrote the deep meaning of this story in my notes. don't worry there is still book 2 and book 3 for this book so yeah. that's all thank you guys byeee.

BOOK 1:The First Shooting StarWhere stories live. Discover now