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✿luvlyluna_x's playlist

--> Dear Future Husband- Meghan Trainor

--> Just Right- GOT7<3

--> Crush Culture- Conan Gray

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˜”*°•.˜”*°• "3 kids?" •°*”˜.•°*”˜

11:34 am

Lynn woke up again to see no one is in bed except for her. She looked for Francisco at the bathroom. Nope. Kitchen? Nope. She just sat at the dining area. Doing nothing. Eating an apple i guess.

The door opened revealing Francisco.

Lynn was not in a good mood right now.

She's sulking.

"Hey~ Sorry i just went to the laundry shop to drop off our clothes." No response. She was pouting. Literally pouting.

She crossed her arms infront of her chest. She wasn't really in the mood. I know it doesn't sound like Lynn to be like that but wants to show Francisco she doesn't want to be alone. Especially without him.

"What's with the face?"

"Hmp." Framcisco looked at her full of concern. Then he realized she was sulking.

"If you're sulking or mad at me i'm sorryyy." He said while wrapping his arms around her.

She smiled knowing she failed. She holds his arms around her.

'I never knew i could be this girly. It's disgusting.'

"So the wedding is coming in a few days." Francisco started.

"I know."

"Jorgina said are clothes are free for the wedding."


"Yeah. It's the least they can do they said."


"Sebastian also said their will be some make up artists and stylists in the hotel room where they prepare stuff."

"Are you excited?"

"Me? Ofcourse i am. I get to be paired up with you." Lynn just chuckled.

"Hey i've noticed you started to be girly. Is it because of me?" Francisco also said.

"Nope just practicing for the wedding. I don't want people to see me all competetive and stuff." Lynn lied.

"Sure you are." Francisco said rolling his eyes sarcastingly.

"I wonder what will happen in the future." Lynn suddenly said.

"I don't know. We might get married and have 3 kids." Francisco winked at her. This time Lynn didn't play along. She looked at him in a weird way.

"Are you sick? You're unbelievable." She rolled her eyes.

"What? Don't act like you don't want to."

Lynn groand then started laughing.

"Yeah sure i do." Lynn said sarcasticly while laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Francisco started sulking like Lynn a few minutes ago. Lynn rolled her eyes and stood up. Still laughing.

"I'm going to make lunch."

"You can't cook."

"Sure i can."

"You making another sandwich and alot of spicy stuff?" Lynn started laughing even more.

"Gosh i love you." Lynn was still laughing.

"I love you too." He started laughing as well.

What do you expect these two to do?

Drama is still coming.

hey guys i'm sorry if this is cringey like ew HAHAHAHA but anyways i hope u enjoyed this chapter~

BOOK 1:The First Shooting StarWhere stories live. Discover now