twenty five

210 7 10

✿luvlyluna_x's playlist

--> How You Like That- Blackpink<3

--> For You- F4(reason why this cahpter is short. i forgot abt this since meteor garden 2018 came)

--> any song of you're choice.

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˜”*°•.˜”*°• "Uptown." •°*”˜.•°*”˜

Lynn and Francisco woke up when the train stopped. Meaning they already arrived to their destination.

They stood up. A boy handed them a piece of paper. It was the both of them sleeping in the "shoulder" position.

"Hi ma'am. I saw you and you're boyfriend sleepjng in a cute position so i draw the both of you since i got nothing to do anyways. Hope you have a nice day." The boy handed Lynn the piece of paper and She thanked him before The boy left.

"Can i see it?" Francisco peeked so Lynn showed it to him so he could get a better view of the drawing. He smiled.

They continued walking...

'Finally. Uptown.'

Again. They found theirselves at the middle of the woods.

"Uhhh. Junior." Francisco started while looking at his surroundings.

"Yeah?" Lynn,who was busy looking at the drawing the boy made said.

"We're in the middle of the woods again." Francisco said. That made Lynn stopped looking at the drawing and looked at her surroundings.

"Oh my god." Lynn's jaw dropped.

"It's alright Junior. We'll survive this." Francisco wrapped his arm around her shoulders. Continued walking to god knows where.

It was almost night. The sun was about to set.

They sat at a rock. The cold breeze hit Lynn's skin. She was freezing.

Francisco looked at her and noticed it. He removed his blue jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"Thank you but aren't you gonna be cold as well?" Lynn asked him. Francisco nodded.

"Yeah but you need it more." Lynn then adjusted the jacket for both of them. The problem is their too close.

Lynn started to yawn meaning she's tired.

"Are you tired?" Francisco asked. Lynn nodded,sleepy. Francisco then guided her head to his shoulder.

"You should take some rest baby. We're almost there." Francisco said quietly. While Lynn fell asleep.

'We're about to be seperated.'

Francisco laid his head against her's.

'I'm gonna miss her.'
sorry i woke up late. sorry for the short chapter as well.

BOOK 1:The First Shooting StarWhere stories live. Discover now