twenty four

211 8 9

✿luvlyluna_x's playlist

--> Goodbyes- Post Malone ft. Young Thug

--> Goodbye- Wendy<3(BEAUTY INSIDE OST♡_♡)

--> Someone to stay- Vancouver Sleep Clinic

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˜”*°•.˜”*°• "Goodbye." •°*”˜.•°*”˜

Colten woke up and was on his way to the kitchen,but then he heard noise coming from the guestroom.

"UGHHHH." Colten's eyes widen. He moved closer to the door to hear what was going on.

"Sorry is it too tight?" Lynn asked.

"IT'S REALLY TIGHT." Francisco said.

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT IT'S TOO BIG." Lynn complained back at him. Colten gasped.

"I'll try to change my position." Lynn said. Colten rushed to his mother and Mrs. Anne telling her what he heard at the guestroom.

They went to the guest room.

"DEEPER JUNIOR. DEEPER." Mrs. Anne placed her hand on her mouth showing she's in complete shock.

"Aren't they only thirteen?" Colten asked. Mrs. Anne nodded.

She opened the door.

"WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK YOU'RE DOING?" Mrs. Anne bursted out of the door.

Lynn put down the shoe.

"Oh. Y-You we're just helping Francisco with his...shoe?" Lynn nodded.

"Come here you dirty minded boy." Mrs. Anne pinched Colten's ear while dragging him out of the room while his grand daughter followed.

They giggled.

"They thought we we're doing IT." Lynn said still giggling.

"I mean. We can do it if you want to." Francisco smirked and winked. Lynn decided to tease him and played along.

"We could." Lynn smirked while climbing on the bed. Francisco blushed. Lynn then noticed. She whacked his face.

"Not yet. Maybe in the future." Lynn winked. This time she mean it. Francisco blushed harder.

They gathered up at the dining table for breakfast.

They ate breakfast together and talked about random topics for the last time.

They we're all ready to leave. Francisco was talking with Mrs. Anne while Lynn was just looking at the antique stuff. She looked at the backyard to see Colten sitting down at a bench while his head was down low.

She went to him while still had time.

"Hey." She sat down beside Colten.

"Hey." He replied quietly in a bit of a sad tone.

"So. Why are you here all alone?" She asked.

"Oh i'm just bringing back memories we made."

"Aww. How sweet."

"To be honest with you Lynn. I know i already said this but yeah. You're the first person i met who really has an interest in stuff i like." He scratched his nape and continued. "I finally felt like i actually had a sister. Wait,no. A twin. You made me feel so complete that i don't want you to go." Lynn patted his shoulder.

"It's alright buddy. Francisco and i will try to come back." He smiled.

"Thanks Lynn." He showed her his fist while Lynn bumped her fist along with his. Showing they just did a fist bump.

They went back inside.

"There's Lynn come one dear. Let's take a picture together before you two will leave." Mrs. Anne said signaling Lynn to come join the picture.

Lynn and Francisco we're at side while Mrs Anne was at the middle wrapping both of her arms around the two tens' shoulder.

The antique camera then flashed. A photo came out. They took another photo so Lynn and Francisco have a photo each.

"Oh yeah by the way." Mrs. Anne handed them a note.

"Read it when you miss me." She smiled. They smiled back. They hugged for the last time.

"And for all the work and the accompany. Here." Mrs. Anne gave them train tickets for uptown. Their jaw dropped.

"F-for us?" Lynn stuttered while pointing to theirselves. Mrs. Anne nodded.

"Thank you so much." They both hugged each other.

"Come back ok?"

"We sure will. Bye Mrs. Anne. They waved while leaving. Lynn looked at Colten for the last time. They smiled.

They then left.

They we're walking while carrying their luggage. Lynn randomly interwind her fingers against his. He looked at it then looked at Lynn. He blushed. She looked at him and smiled.

They continued walking.

They then reached the train station.

They bsaically ended up at the train.

The last thing they knew.

Lynn's head is placed at his shoulders while his arm is around her shoulders then his head is placed at her head.

They then fell asleep.

BOOK 1:The First Shooting StarWhere stories live. Discover now