Chapter 54: Re-Evaluation Confirmed

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Standing with a small frown, Sekijiro walked to the training area looking down at the clipboard that had the sheet of the practical lessons that he was supposed to teach you. But after what happened the other day he was a bit sad he won't be able to see how you would react to them.

'It's a shame but being a hero is not easy.' A deep sigh left his lips.

Few feet away from the large door that leads to the training area, Sekijiro paused hearing commotion in the room that had his brows scrunching in confusion. Reaching his hand he pushed on the doors open and what was shown in front of him caught him by surprise.

Drenched in mild sweat, a young girl with pink hair stretched with a content groan. Hearing the door creaking open she looks over her shoulder.

His grey eyes met with turquoise ones that were burning with determination and fire. "Good afternoon, Sekijiro-sensei!" was the girl's loud greeting that took him by surprise.

"You're... early..."

"I finished the extra lessons much earlier than my teacher initially thought so he let me come here in advance to warm up!" you replied. If one would glance over your form, they could see the resolve ou burned into your body. Your body practically radiated with energy, Sekijiro couldn't help but admit that he was getting uncharacteristically energetic too.

"You know that being a hero is a big burden to carry. The responsibility. The expectation. The criticism that comes along with it."

"I am willing to take them all on!" was your powerful answer that had his lips churning into a wide smirk. With large strides that echoed strongly in the vacant large room, Sekijiro looked at you like he would to his student.

Being a mentor was something he was initially unsure to take on but, the potential he could see in you. Untapped with no one to help cultivate. 

"Ready yourselves!" Sekijiro warned waving the board with a smirk "We are a little bit behind on schedule. I am gonna make you pass your limits!"


"Welcome back--(Y/N) are you okay!?" asked the appalled Fuyumi squeaked in surprise as she looked at the girl with pink hair waddling around half asleep with uncharacteristically tousled hair and varying smudges of light bruising on her skin.

Fuyumi quickly ran to your side with worry, "You're covered in bruises have they been treating you..."

"Fuyu-nee..." you mumble looking over to her with a sleepy gaze. Fuyumi's brows furrowed in confusion before they scrunch in anger. 

"What were they doing to you? I know that it's tough being in the hero course but did they really have to push you so bad that--!!"

You pushed on her hands that clenched your shoulders and backed up with worry. "Oh thank goodness you didn't get any on you..." you sighed with a wide smile that had Fuyumi blinking away her anger. "I worried the color would end up on your white shirt~"

Fuyumi was quiet. She was still processing what happened when she realized that some of the red and purplish colorings stuck to her hand.

"(Y/N)..." She mumbled looking at the color smelling something funny from the color. "What is this?"

"Hmm? Oh--That's from my little errand. I went over to Minato-san's shop and asked for a favor. But he said I had to work for it so I am doing some little tasks."

"I-I... see..." Fuyumi sighed in relief hiding the growing blush in her cheeks when she recognizes it as something similar to chalk. She was embarrassed she didn't recognize it since she works in an elementary. "Do you want to take a bath? There is one already set up."

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