Chapter 2 - The Gutairist

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Harry and I raced each other towards the place where they were holding the auditions for XFactor, we barreled into the lobby, capturing the attention of a girl with long black hair and deep chocolate eyes.
"I won!" I boasted
"Doesn't matter, I'm still older!" Harry shot back
I rolled my eyes as he walked up to the reception desk, giving his name before returning to my side. He leaned forward and whispered in my ear.
'I'm gonna go to the toilet."
I nodded and he walked towards where I assumed the toilets were, I scanned the room and my eyes landed on the girl, she was wringing her hands and her eyes were darting around the room. I smiled and waved at her. She gave a small smile back, I took that as a cue to go introduce myself to her. I arrived at her side with what I hoped was a welcoming smile on my face.
"You auditioning?" I asked
"Oh no. I'm here waiting for someone." She replied
"Me too!" I replied, sticking out my hand, "Ambria Styles."
"Becca Malik."
We shook hands and started talking for a while, turns out we have a lot in common. A guy who looked kind of similar to her walked up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She jumped in shock and almost backhanded him in the face.
"Oh my God Zayn! I'm so sorry!"
"It's fine Bex." He replied
"Oh Ambria, this is Zayn, my twin brother, Zayn, this is Ambria."
He nodded and raised a hand in greeting, I  smiled at him in return. Now we have even more in common, we both have twin brothers, and wonder if she's older or younger.
"No way! I have a twin brother too! His name is Harry."
"What a coincidence" She replied "Nice meeting you Ambria but we better get going."
I nodded and sent them off with a wave before waiting for Harry to come back from the bathroom. Once he did it was almost his turn. He came back to my side, when the lady came to get him. I poked his chest.
"You better get in Harry or our siblingship is over." I said "Got it?"
He nodded and went with the lady while I stayed and waited in the lobby for him to finish. I scrolled through my instagram deciding to see if I could find Becca. I found her instagram, BeccaGMalik, before requesting to follow her, her profile pic was her and Zayn sitting in a tree at sunset. A couple minutes later I got a follow request from her and a notification saying she accepted my request. I clicked into her profile to find majority photos of her and Zayn, there was a really cute one of them in front of a laptop, watching a movie in a pillow fort. It was captioned Spending time with my favourite person in the world @ZaynMalik, love you bro xx I smiled and liked it instantly. About five minutes later Harry came out of the studio, a big smile on his face. He ran over to me.
"I made it! I made it!"
"Thank you!" He smirked "Race you to the car."
Now it was my turn to smirk
"You on."
We took off running, I took the lead, laughing as I did so, Harry may have the voice of the family but I definitely have the athletic ability. We arrived at the car, I waited for him to catch up to me.
"Hurry up slowpoke." I teased
He huffed in annoyance before unlocking the car, since we're only sixteen we only have our learners permit but Harry applied for a special permit that meant he could drive without someone else. And because he's older mum and dad only let him get it and not me, they act like they love us both but Harry and I know that they both favour him. When they divorced their last argument was who would take custody of me, neither of them wanted me and both of them wanted Harry. I act like it doesn't hurt but it does.
"You always win." He complained
"That's because I'm younger." I teased
We climbed in and he started the car before driving in the direction of Dad's place. We alternate, one week at Dad's and Mum's by ourselves, one week at each with each other. It was my week at Dad's by myself and I hate it, with Harry it's at least bearable but by myself I would rather go to hell. He pulled up, I climbed out with my bag and guitar, half my wardrobe is at Mum's and the other half at Dad's.
"See ya tomorrow at school Ambria?"
"Yeah, see you then."
My mood had deflated just by being here, Harry of course picked up on it.
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
I smiled before waving goodbye, he drove off, heading across town towards Mum's. I took a deep breath before walking up to the door. I walked inside, wishing I didn't have to.
"I'm here."
"Lounge Room!"
I ran upstairs before dumping my bag on my bed, grabbing my phone and walking slowly back downstairs and plonking myself on the couch. My father was watching a football match, I sighed before scrolling through my instagram feed. My father sighed, looking at me.
"You could at least pretend to be excited." He said
I rolled my eyes, exasperated
"Yeah well we both know I don't want to be here and you don't want me here so there's no point pretending is there?" I shot back.
"Don't take that tone with me young lady."
"Oh so now you actually want to be my father for once?" I asked "Yeah that'll be the day."
I got up before walking upstairs and into my bedroom, slamming the door shut and laying on my bed. My Dad and I never really get on very well, it's better when Harry's here, he mediates things and calms things down when they get too extreme.
"Why do I have to do this?" I wondered aloud "Do they not love me? Did I do something wrong?"
I have a tendency to overthink things a lot, Harry helps me to calm down but since he's not here I find it hard to think positive. I always wondered if I caused Mum and Dad's divorce, Harry always shut down the idea immediately but it's hard not to think that way. I got a message from Harry.
Harry - How's it going at Dads?"
I sighed, surely he already knows.
Ambria - You know how it always goes. I've been here five minutes and we've already argued
I could almost hear him sigh in disappointment from here. He doesn't get it, Dad fawns over him whereas I'm invisible to him, even Mum has trouble seeing me. Dad and I will never see eye to eye, ever.
Harry - Goodness already?
Ambria - Yeah
It was already dinner time so I grudgingly put my phone done before trudging down stairs, really not wanted to see Dad again.

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