Chapter 9 - The Drummer

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I stretched out on my bed as I watched a movie on netflix, don't tell anyone but I was actually kind of missing Liam, despite how annoying he is at least it's something to do. I didn't hear the door open or anyone enter until Ruth sat down on my bed, looking over my shoulder at my iPad. I looked up at her and paused my movie.
"Hey." I said "What's up?"
"Liam called us on the iPad, he's got news." She replied "Want to come talk to him?"
I nodded and closed the iPad before following Ruth to the lounge room where everyone was surrounding the iPad. I sat down on the couch next to mum and waved as I saw Liam's face pop onto the screen.
"Tara!" He exclaimed "You came to talk to me! I didn't think you would!"
I smiled at him fondly, Liam comes with his ups and downs but I've always been the closest to him, Ruth and Nicola always hung out and because we were younger they kind of left us out. Never intentionally but they still did.
"Of course I came." I replied "Why wouldn't I?"
"I don't know." He muttered "You may have been watching a movie."
I smiled and nodded, his face fell and he pouted, I laughed lightly and the rest of our family exited the room to give us space to talk.
"Actually I was." I said
"Without me?" His voice sounded genuinely pained
I nodded and laughed, sipping the chocolate milkshake that Ruth had brought me a couple seconds ago, I decided to switch topics so I didn't make him sad.
"So how did you go at bootcamp?" I asked
"Well I got put into the group catergraty and we formed a band, it's me and four others guys. They're all good guys..."
"EXCUSE ME!" Somebody shouted in the background "ONLY GOOD? LIAM I AM OFFENDED!"
Liam and I laughed at this person who I don't know, the person humphed and I could imagine them crossing their arms and pouting.
"And you just met Louis."
"Nice to meet you Louis." I said
The newly dubbed Louis gasped and both Liam and I were very confused as to why.
"You actually let me talk to this person!" He said "Liam you are my new favourite."
All of a sudden Liam was tackled in a hug by a guy with dark brown hair and a big smile, he appeared to be pretty short but I couldn't really tell. The iPad or phone that Liam was using to talk to me was knocked over as Liam let out a shout of surprise, I laughed loudly as I watched these events play out in front of me. The guy let go of Liam and picked up the device, I laughed even louder at his facial expressions.
"Hi there!" He said loudly "I'm Louis Tomlinson and you are?"
I recovered from my laughing fit, sitting up straight and smiling before waving at Louis before sipping my milkshake quickly.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Tara Payne." I said "Liam's sister."
I added the last bit simply for clarification, didn't want Louis to get confused, Louis simply smiled even wider, if that was even possible, before continuing to talk to me.
"I have a sister too!" He announced "Her name is Mikayla."
I nodded and then Liam came back into view, he looked visibly tired and all up over Louis interrupting his phone conversation, I couldn't help but laugh.
"Can I finish talking to my sister?" He asked
Louis nodded.
"Bye Tara."
"Bye Louis." I replied
Louis handed Liam the phone or iPad and his face lit up with childish excitement again, I rolled my eyes, that's his face when I take him to the movies. I shook my head playfully and laughed a little. Liam pouted before his happy smile reappeared on his face.
"How's work going?"
I have an internship at the local radio station, Flow 07, here in Wolverhampton, it's really fun and the rest of the staff are really supportive and encouraging. They don't care if I make a mistake and instead of standing there and let me deal with it alone they always help me and give me really creative tips. I even got to go on air once, it was so cool! I smiled at Liam.
"Work's going great, I might be able to fill in for someone who's taking a day off so I'll be able to go on the air."
Liam nodded, thinking about something.
"Careful." I teased "Don't break your brain with all that thinking you're doing there."
He faked hurt while I laughed at him for a while. Ruth came back in and said hello to Liam before collecting my empty cup, I thanked her for the milkshake and she simply smiled before walking back out as quietly as she entered. Liam and I exchanged a glance before I shrugged in response at the question he didn't even need to ask. Liam smiled before launching into an explanation about what he and the boys are going to be doing next, I listened eagerly, throwing in a comment or two at the right moments.
"Wait what do your boys call yourselves?" I asked curiously
Liam opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by another four voices
"ONE DIRECTION!" Four voices yelled in sync
Liam and I winced at the volume of their voices and Liam nodded, confirming what they said, well yelled at us. I smiled before checking the time, I was meant to be meeting Ariana and Drake for lunch and I was cutting it close.
"Well then Liam congratulations, I'm proud of you." I said "But I'm meeting Ariana and Drake for lunch so I need to go get ready. I'll talk to you later, okay Liam?"
He nodded and I waved goodbye before ending the call, I jumped off the couch and closed the iPad before running up to my room. I flung open my door before sorting through my wardrobe, searching for something half decent to wear, it's only lunch so I settled on a pair of black leggings and a hoodie. I pulled them on before slipping into my pair of white converse, I pocketed my phone before grabbing my wallet and slipping it into my back pocket. I walked back down to the kitchen, said goodbye to both my parents and sisters before walking towards where I was meeting Ariana and Drake. Surprisingly I was the first person to arrive so I grabbed a table and flipped through the menu, trying to decide what to eat. The door opened and in walked Ariana, she sat down across from me, opening the menu and working out what to eat. Not too long after the door opened again and Drake joined us, sitting down and watching as we sat silently.
"Hey Tara, Hey Babe." He said
Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that Ariana and Drake were dating? Oh yeah I did well anyway now you know how awkward my life is. Ariana smiled up at him and I waved as I finally decided on ordering the ham, tomato and cheese focaccia and no drink because I had one before I left. The waitress came and we all ordered our food before slipping into an easy conversation about what was happening at school. Our food came and we started eating while I told them about how Liam was doing at the moment.

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