Chapter 3 - The Pianist

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Niall and I walked into the Dublin Convention Centre in Dublin where he was auditioning for XFactor. We walked into the lobby and he walked up to the reception desk with a smile. I sat down on the chairs that were provided
"Name?" The lady asked
"Niall Horan." He replied not missing a beat
She nodded and tapped on her keyboard, probably entering his name into the system.
"About a five minute wait."
He nodded and came back over to where I was sitting, my leg bouncing up and down, Niall sat down next to me with a bundle of nerves.
"You'll be fine Nialler." I said "Just don't stuff up."
"Uh thanks."
I stifled a laugh before turning to him, my face serious, I put a hand on his shoulder. I mean Niall knows I'm only joking, it's just how I roll.
"What I am about to say is completely one hundred percent serious." I said
He nodded, turning to me, his adorable face has a small smile on it. I put a hand on his and my right hand on my heart.
"If you make it in I will buy you Nandos."
His face broke out into a massive smile, he absolutely loves Nandos, his favourite food is Nando's he would live on it if he was allowed to which he isn't.
I smiled before putting my hands in my lap, starting to fiddle with my fidget toy in my pocket, Niall's face was now really excited, nothing like Nando's to take his mind off things.
"But if you don't then you have to buy me Nandos." I said "Deal?"
He locked eyes with me, a smile taking over his face again, he stuck his hand out and I took it in mine, shaking it firmly, not once breaking contact.
Our staring contest was broken when the receptionist walked over to us, a grim look on her face.
"Niall Horan."
He broke eye contact with a jump before standing up, glancing at me one last time before following her into the studio, taking a deep breath as he did so. My leg continued bouncing uncontrollably.
"Stop." I hissed at it
I knew it wouldn't work, for some reason I always have to be moving at all times so because of that my leg always bounces up and down. Sometimes my hands shake slightly or my feet move around on the ground. My Mum got me tested for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, normally referred to as ADHD but the results came back negative. Besides I don't have trouble getting to know people or having relationships, not that I've had one yet, and I certainly don't have trouble at school. It's more just the fact that I space out sometimes and have to be always moving. But music is a really good escape for me, I play the piano and I'm an alright singer although I don't sing much, that's always been Niall's thing so I back him up on the piano while he plays the guitar. It's a little strange not being on stage with him right now but playing in front of huge crowds doesn't do it for me. Besides I've got our food blog, since Niall and I love food so much we thought, hey why not create a food blog. So now wherever we go we visit at least two restaurants, taste their food and then talk about it and review it on our blog.
"Come on Nialler, hurry up!" I whispered to myself
I was getting hungry and I really wanted Nandos, I might as well buy him and myself some Nandos if he gets in. Finally after what seemed like hours of waiting and waiting Niall finally bounded out of the studio, a massive smile on his face.
"I DID IT! ILLY I DID IT!" He yelled excited
"CONGRATULATIONS NIALL!" I shouted matching his tone
We got some weird looks so I dragged him out of the centre before we got kicked out. We walked to the nearest Nandos, which of course us being us, took note of as we drove past it this morning. We walked inside and looked up at the menu.
"Okay we're getting the Tear & Share platter, whole chicken, non debatable, what do you want to drink?" I asked, turning to Niall, who was lost in thought.
"Fanta please."
I nodded before walking up to the counter, pulling out my purse. The cashier was a young lady and smiled at me.
"Um can I get a Tear & Share platter, whole chicken and two fantas please."
"Celebrating or something?" She asked
"Yeah my brother just made XFactor."
"Oh wow! Good for him, tell him congratulations for me. That will be $42.50"
I handed over the money before receiving my receipt and walking back over to Niall, he was sitting in a booth anxiously. I sat down across from him, my leg started bouncing and I groaned in annoyance, sometimes it annoys me and other people. But what really ticks me off is when people ask me to stop, I always end up saying that I can't help it and if they can't accept it then they have the problem. About five minutes after our number was called, I walked up to the counter and received it. I sat back down, putting the platter in front of Niall as well as his drink, before he could eat it I took a couple photos for our blog. We then tucked in, ripping bits of chicken and dipping them in different dips, savouring the taste. We finished before leaving, catching the bus back home, we live with Dad but we stay over at Mum's every second weekend. Since I'm only sixteen and Niall's almost seventeen we're not technically allowed to drive by yourself but Niall will be in September which is good. On the way home we worked on our post for our food blog.
"I'm definitely putting that you made XFactor." I said with a laugh
"No please don't."
I gave him a look, staring at him not breaking eye contact, eventually he caved and nodded, I smirked and added it to the post. The photo was of Niall looking at the food in front of him, I wrote: Delicious Meal at Nando's, congratulations to my brother for making XFactor, congrats bro! Signing off this time Illene Horan ;) I showed it to Niall before posting it, making sure he was okay with it.
"Looks good Illy."
I nodded before posting it. We continued talking about what different foods we want to try, I definitely want to travel to Italy and try their traditional recipes. We finally arrived at our bus stop, exiting the bus and starting the small walk home, already we had received fifty comments on our food blog and about sixty likes. I showed some of the comments to Niall which were mostly congratulation and good luck messages, he smiled at those. We arrived home and opened the door.
"We're home!" I shouted
"Kitchen!" Dad yelled back
We walked into the kitchen where Dad was slaving over the stove and judging by the smell he was cooking our favourite traditional Irish dish.
"Colcannon and champ*" We chorused making Dad laugh


I would just like to give a quick shoutout to

Michelle_Byrnes17 amalfoy66 I_need_Sleep_41 jhope_smile koyas_babystay

You are all literally the greatest and I love you so much. Your always there for me and always reassure me when I get self conscious or worried over absolutely nothing. You are all like the younger sisters that I've always wanted and I'm grateful to say that I finally found them. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


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