Chapter 13 - The Pianist

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We arrived at the park and I saw two boys and then two girls, one of the girls had waist length black hair with brown eyes, who looked similar to the guy with black hair and brown eyes, my guess would be that they were related. The other girl had brown curly hair to her shoulders and bright, sparkling green eyes that seemed alive with mischievous, the other boy had brown curly hair and green eyes. The two girls looked at each other before shifting close. Hm wonder what that's about? Niall immediately walked over to the guys and they started talking, I followed behind, wondering what on earth those girls were. Niall told me I was meeting his bandmates, not some random girls as well. Niall introduced me to the two boys, Zayn and Harry. Soon enough two other boys arrived with two girls in tow, they introduced themselves as Liam and Louis, the girls were Tara and Mikayla, their sisters. The one called Louis randomly walked over to the two girls whose names I didn't know before trying to pull a move on the one with brown hair, in response she ran over to Hary and screamed.
She then jumped on his back causing him to fall onto the ground, she stood up, perfectly unscathed and looked down at him.
"You useless piece of shit."
He moaned in pain while she stood there with her hands on her hips, the girl with black hair walked over and helped him to his feet, tapping underneath his chin twice with a smile.
"Chin up Harry darling."
The two girls resumed their previous positions and I missed what happened next because Liam Payne came over and stood next to me awkwardly.
"Hi." He said
"Hi." I replied
He shuffled away quietly, his head down while his sister, Tara stood there laughing, suddenly the two girls and Zayn started laughing while Louis and Niall stood there confused.
"Hi." She said simply "I'm Rebecca Malik, Zayn's twin sister, but I usually just get called Becca."
We all walked over and she almost ducked back behind her brother but he gave her a look that told her not to. The girl next to her smiled at us all and put up a hand in greeting.
"Hi I'm Ambria Styles." She said "Harry's twin sister."
I stepped forward and introduced myself, then Tara and Mikayla followed suit, all while this was happening both Becca and Niall kept quiet while the rest of us were talking. Suddenly and randomly Niall started talking.
"Can I call you Bec?"
She stopped moving completely and I would dare say she stopped breathing in general, in a second her eyes glistened with tears and she turned before sprinting away. Zayn instantly looked up, shooting all of us an apologetic look before sprinting after her. We all watched in shock while Ambria watched closely, then she looked back at us.
"Hang on a sec."
She turned on her heel before running back towards where the other two disappeared to, meeting Zayn in the middle. They had a brief conversation before she nodded and turned back on her heel and raced back over to us. We all looked at her, asking the question that no one dared voice, she smiled at us before answering.
"She's fine." She replied "She just needs a minute to calm down."
We all nodded and I watched Niall carefully, he clearly blamed himself for making her upset, I shook my head at him, letting him know it was okay. We all moved into a conversation about what One Direction was going to do next when we heard footsteps, we all looked over in that direction, Zayn and Becca were walking back over to us. She had her head had her head in his shoulder, her hair covering her face, while Zayn was rubbing circles in her shoulder calmingly while whispering to her in hushed tones. When they arrived Ambria gave Becca a small hug which she returned, they parted and both Zayn and Becca joined our conversation. We all decided to call it a day, Ambria gave Harry a hug before going off after Zayn and Becca. I said goodbye to everyone before turning to find Niall, only to find he wasn't there, for a minute I freaked out before I spotted him talking to Becca. She was looking shyly at him while he was being an awkward little dork, I shook my head at him. He's totally into her, I am going to annoy him about this later. They finished talking and she climbed into the driver's seat in her car while Niall ran back over to me, a big dorky grin on his face. He pulled up to a stop beside me, looking at my face before looking at me curiously.
"What?" He asked
I smirked at him.
"You like her." I sang teasingly
He looked at his feet sheepishly and I smiled wider, jumping up and down in my excitement, Oh my god he actually likes someone for once in his life.
"OH MY GOD YOU DO!" I pointed at him dramatically
He nodded and I continued my celebratory routine before we both decided to head to the closest bus stop and head to the hotel we were staying in until we were heading home later that week.
Niall was ordering Nandos to get delivered to our hotel and I was in my room, I picked up my phone before calling Sorcha. She picked up on the third ring using her typical greeting.
"Hey Bitch!" She announced "What's up?"
"Hey Sorcha." I said "I have the biggest news!"
"Oh my god!" She squealed "Spill!"
We both laughed quickly before I started talking.
"So obviously you know that Niall's now in a boy band called One Direction." I explained "Well the members all have sisters, anyway so Zayn Malik has a twin called Becca and Niall is sooooo into her."
Sorcha went silen on the other end of the line, I was about to ask her if everything was okay when she started talking again.
"That's so amazing!" Her voice laked it's usual enthusiasm "I'm happy for him"
She sound like she was in literal pain, I agreed with her and we both moved onto different topics, she demanded all the details about meeting the rest of the band, and I of course complied and told her everything. About Becca running off and Zayn chasing her, Liam talking to me and even Louis trying to pull a move on Ambria, which she found absolutely hilarious. We continued talking until Niall walked into the room, in his arms a large Nandos take out bag. I smiled at him before talking to Sorcha.
"Sorry Sorcha but Niall's here and he brought food..."
"Oh you and your food." She replied "Always comes before me."
I laughed and she joined in, well at least she knows where my priorities lie.
"You know me too well." I said "Well anyway I'll talk to you later. Love you Sorcha."
She laughed again before replying.
"Love you too Illy."
I hung up and sat down across from Niall looking at the food with a hungry look in my eyes, he passed me my drink and we both instantly tucked in. As usual we got the Tear and Share platter, whole chicken and we'll save some for later, probably, or we might eat all of it, depends.


Another update, I think I'm getting better at updating more regularly but I'm not sure. Anyway have a nice day

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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