Chapter 19 - The Guitarist

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We were all lounging around Mum's place while the boys had another meeting about the songs they're all working on, which sometimes they wouldn't even let us hear. So that meant we left the room or they left us alone, currently we were by ourselves in the lounge room while the boys were all in Harry's room. Liam and I had bonded over our never ending love of toy story, seriously though, we do not shut up about it, we've both seen the third and talk about it non stop. Becca has seriously been considering throttling us to get some peace and quiet, well she'd throttle me anyway, she's still a little wary of Liam I don't know why but she's entitled to some privacy. To be honest Becca is still kind of scared of Liam, Louis and Niall, although Louis is really good at distracting her when she ends up retreating inside herself, Niall also seems to have the knack of getting her to open up a bit. Because of this everyone ships Necca, which is Becca and Niall's ship name, she's getting better at opening up. Although she still attaches herself to Zayn sometimes and then some days Zayn refuses to let anyone, and I mean anyone near her. Anyway moving on from that topic, Louis and I have grown closer as well, his weirdness is definitely growing on me and so are his endless array of pickup lines, but for the love of god please don't tell him that. We were all sitting around talking and Becca had her nose stuck in a book, as per usual, although she sometimes contributes to our conversation when all of a sudden the door burst open. All of a sudden somebody jumped onto the couch besides Becca, once they landed we could see that it was actually Zayn, she laughed as she subconsciously ran a hand through his hair. Liam sat down next to Illene and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, she smiled and leaned into him as she scrolled through Instagram on her phone. Oh and by the way, don't know if I mentioned it but they officially became girlfriend and boyfriend the other night. All of a sudden I felt someone standing behind me and then Louis' voice came from behind me.
"Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?"
I fought the urge to laugh but shook my head and managed to suppress my smile successfully.
"Definitely walk by again."
Louis pouted but went to go walk by again, now I'm sure you're wondering what I mean by went to walk by again. Well he ended up tripping over his own feet and landing ass down on the floor, everyone witnessed this and burst out laughing, myself included. He looked up at me with these adorable eyes and an adorable expression before opening his mouth to speak.
"Wanna go on a date with me?" He asked
"Sure." I replied
Everybody fell silent and watched as we both sat and laid there awkwardly, then Becca started laughing which then set Zayn off, it was like a chain reaction and that set everyone off. Soon we were all there laughing our heads off, then Mom walked in with a tray of food, she stood there watching as eight teenagers were sitting around her living room laughing their heads off. She then put down the tray before backing out of the room slowly, that of course just made us all laugh harder. I definitely noticed that she cracked a smile near the end.
"Thank you for the food Mom!" I yelled
"Your welcome darling!" She called back
And this is why I love my mom, sure I'm nearly one hundred percent sure that she, like Dad, favours Harry but at least we're not at each other's throats one hundred percent of the time. Sure I feel like I'm the reason Mom and Dad got a divorce but I still love her, at least she still makes an effort, dad and I gave that up a long time ago. Harry came over and sat with me on the couch and I leaned on his shoulder while Louis sat on the other side of me, I then switched and leaned on his shoulder, I smiled as I did so.


I was standing in front of the mirror in mine and Becca's bedroom, looking over my reflection one last time before we all left for the fair. I was wearing a white t-shirt with white pearls sewn in all over the front, I had grey checkered pants on with a big bow tied on the front. Over the top of my shirt I was wearing a grey knit cardigan that was fairly long in length. My hair was braided into a small bun and on my feet were white shoes. Becca was sitting on our double bed, laughing over a message she just received from someone, she was wearing a white knit sweater that had kimino type sleeves tucked in black skinny jeans and a belt around her waist. Her black hair was in a waterfall braid and she was wearing white Nike sneakers on her feet. All of a sudden there was a knock at the door and Zayn stuck his head in the doorway, a smile on his face.
"Time to go."
We both nodded and got up, Becca had her black handbag slung over her shoulder as she typed something into her phone, laughing as she did so Zayn peered over her phone which she gave him a little shove in response. We walked down to the elevator and then all piled into the car when we got there, Zayn let me sit in the front while Becca drove, we arrived at the front of the fairground where Louis was waiting. Becca parked the car and we all walked over there, Louis paid for my ticket while Becca and Zayn paid for their own entry tickets, we walked in. Becca, who was walking behind us suddenly raced up to Zayn who was walking in front of Louis and I, she whispered in his ear and he instantly gripped her hand and didn't let go even when they found the others. We said a quick hello to the others before Louis led me away on the rest of our date, he linked our hands. He saw something and raced over there, dragging me with him, we came to a stop at a cotton candy stall. He brought a large one and then left me hold it as we strolled through the fairground, Louis was wearing sunglasses to hopefully avoid being recognised. Suddenly something large came up from behind us, slamming a white gloved hand down on Louis' shoulder with a maniacal laugh, sending him flying into my arms. I managed to catch him and hold onto the cotton candy at the same time, I turned around to find a clown standing there, behind it the others were all laughing uncontrollably. The clown smiled and waved before waddling on its merry way, Louis hopped out of my arms like nothing happened, he crossed his arms and pouted at them.
"Not funny."
"Sorry Lou." Mikayla laughed "It was too funny to resist."
Turns out the true mastermind was Rebecca, not that I was surprised, I grabbed Louis and dragged him away and towards the ferris wheel. I paid for two tickets and before Louis had even comprehended the fact that we were boarding until the wheel had actually started, I looked out of the glass carriage and could see that Niall had won a teddy and had gifted it to Becca. We had just gotten up the top when the wheel came to a screeching halt, suddenly I heard Louis hyperventilating in the corner, I rushed over to him to find him curled up in the corner, taking up the smallest amount of space possible. He was close to tears and he was struggling to breathe, that's when I put two and two together and realised that he must be afraid of heights.
"Louis?" I whispered "We're going to be fine, I promise, just breathe for me."
I don't think he could even hear me because he showed no sign of responding, running through the options in my mind only one might work. I took a deep breath in, tilted Louis' head towards me and pressed my lips to his. He was pulled back into reality so fast that I think he might have gotten whiplash, soon enough he started kissing me back, I smiled against his lips as Louis pulled me closer to him, leaving me no choice but to sit down on the seat next to him. Eventually we both pulled away to breathe again, I took deep breaths, trying to calm the butterflies in my stomach, I hadn't even noticed that the ferris wheel had started again and we were nearing the end, Louis intertwined our hands as we left the ride, we rejoined the others, I sighed with joy at how amazing my life had gotten over the last few months.


And that is my final update for the evening, I hope you enjoyed reading them.

Next up is Becca's chapter and I think you've no doubt worked out where that one will be heading.

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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