Chapter 16 - The Bass

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It had been about six months since that day we all met in the park, I'd become extremely close to both Zayn and Harry. Harry and I just talked about everything and had heaps of laughs all the time, he often complimented me on how funny I was. Zayn and I bonded over our love of painting and street art, and sometimes we went out to backstreets and painted on some brick walls. These particular walls had been cleared by the Governments to be painted on, and we painted actual art not graffiti and slang or offensive words. Of course Louis and I had been annoying all of them with our endless supply of jokes and comedy knowledge, it was the best. To all catch up we had been setting up massive online meetings using zoom and skype, meeting up at the park once every month. Unfortunately we couldn't meet in person for a couple months because everyone just got busy, the boys were considering working on a single, so we were kind of celebrating that, most of all we were getting to know each other better. Ambria was still living with Zayn and Becca, with Harry dropping around from time to time. We were all in the park where we met the first gathered under the oak tree, well most of us were under the oak tree. Becca instead chose to sit in the branches of the tree but only a bit above us, reading her book but still participating, somehow she was able to read and hold a conversation at the same time. It was Niall's turn to ask the question and we all waited expectantly, he thought for a moment before deciding.
"Have you had your first kiss yet?"
"No." I answered
"Nah." Tara replied
"Hell no." Illene added
"Nope." Ambria said
"Yeah." Becca announced
We all looked up at her, she didn't even look down at us, instead she just kept reading, Ambria was clearly the most shocked and Niall looked a little upset. Zayn was looking at her concerned, looking ready to climb up and sit with her at the slightest indication she needed him to.
"WHAT?!?!" Ambria said "Becca give us all details."
She finally looked up from her book, a strange look in her eyes as she slammed the hardcover book shut with a bang.
"There's nothing to tell." She replied "Trust me, it wasn't memorable and neither was the person."
Her voice had a bit of a tremor in it as she dropped down and walked over to Zayn, laying down with her head in his lap, he played with her hair, whispering in her ear. With the finality of her tone and actions we decided to drop the subject instead Harry pulled me aside. I looked at him curiously, he took his hand in mine, staring into my brown eyes with his green with such intensity that it made a shiver run down my spine.
"Mikki I know this is out of the blue." He said "But I don't want to just be friends, so I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me."
Surprisingly I knew exactly how he felt so I nodded and he nodded back at me, we hugged and stayed there for a little bit. He asked with his eyes and then kissed me on the cheek. I felt a warmth spread from where his lips touched my skin spread all throughout my body, warming up every sense.
"I'm not sure what this feeling is." I replied "But I know it's something more than friendship."
With that we both nodded and walked back to the others, sitting down next to each other, a little closer than before. It did not go unnoticed by both Ambria and Louis who looked like they wanted to ask but both restrained themselves. They watched us closely as we smiled. I laughed silently at their faces.


Harry left what we were doing for our first date up to me, so obviously me being me I was taking his moonlight riding on the beach. Unfortunately Thunder had an accident, damaging a ligament in his leg, he had healed now but the vet said he shouldn't be raced. The boss, Jason, came to me with an offer, I could own Thunder and he could stay at the stables as long as a bit of my paycheck went towards board, obviously I agreed in a heartbeat. Thunderbolt doesn't know any different but he definitely enjoys me visiting him a lot more, Timmy also helps look after him when I'm away. And now Timmy had agreed to bring him to the beach that allowed horses to go on and so now I was just waiting for Harry to arrive. I had packed a picnic and blanket for us to eat, Timmy was bringing Thunder at nine so we had time to eat. Finally I heard a car pull up behind me, I turned around to see Harry walking towards me, I smiled at him.
"Hey." I greeted
"Hey Mikki." He said kissing me quickly on the cheek"Alright what's the plan?"
I smiled "We're having a picnic!"
He smiled as well and I led him to the red and white checkered blanket I had brought, we both sat down and I opened the picnic basket. Inside was a margarita pizza, two ham and cheese croissants, homemade lemonade, chocolate covered strawberries and to top it all off a lemon cheesecake. Harry looked at it all in shock.
"Did you make all this?"
I shook my head instantly, as soon as Becca found out about our date and my picnic plans she demanded that I let her make some things. So naturally Becca and Tara got together and the result was the picnic in front of us now, I helped of course. He still looked impressed once I explained what happened, we ate the picnic, feeding each other chocolate covered strawberries and over all having an amazing time. I stood up, promising him I'd be back in a minute, I raced over to where Timmy had parked, he had already unloaded Thunder so I simply slipped a bridle over his head before climbing up.
"Thanks Timmy."
He saluted and I kicked Thunder on, he started off straight into a canter and together we rode off on the beach towards where Harry was waiting. He looked up in shock to see me on this great horse standing at about 15 hh, Thunder looked down at him and Harry looked up. I smiled before dismounting and standing next to Harry.
"What are we doing?"
"We're going moonlight riding." I replied, "Here climb on."
He smiled nervously as I helped him climb onto Thunder who stood patiently waiting, once Harry was on I climbed up in front of him. Grabbing the reins in my hands I felt Harry's arms slip around my waist, holding onto me tightly. I smiled before giving Thunder the appropriate commands, instantly he walked forward, Harry seemed to relax so I leaned forward and whispered in Thunder's ear.
"Should we give him a scare?" I asked
Thunder neighed in agreement and I laughed before kicking him into a canter, Harry let out a yelp of surprise before holding me tighter, burying his head into my neck while I laughed. I reined Thunder back to a trot and almost instantly Harry became unseated, he bounced around while I sat deep meaning I was more balanced. Suddenly I felt a tug on my waist, I looked behind to see Harry fall off of Thunder, I went to laugh before I realised what that meant for me. I let out a squeak of surprise as I fell off after Harry, we landed on the soft, or well Harry landed on the sand, I landed on him. I was laying there staring into his eyes when he pressed his lips to mine. I felt the all familiar warmth spread through my body, we layed in the sand, locked together before we both pulled away. We both laughed, we climbed back onto Thunder, I looked back at him before deciding to only walk back. I sighed in content.

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