Chapter 8 - The Pianist

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I was sitting on the couch at Dad's place, bored as hell because Niall was away so I couldn't annoy him which means I have nothing to do. Dad was out getting the groceries and I was watching television but nothing good was on so it wasn't helping my boredom. Randomly my phone started ringing, I looked at it and Niall was trying to facetime me. I smiled and answered, in an instant his smiling face filled the screen of my phone.
"Hey Niall." I greeted
"Hey Illene." He replied "I have news so I made it in but I'm now in the group section along with four others boys. We've formed a band, their names are Zayn, Harry, Liam and Louis."
I nodded.
"Well I'm happy for you Nialler."
All of a sudden somebody else's voice filtered through the phone, no doubt one of the other boys in his band.
"Nialler?" The voice said "I like that name. That's what we're going to call you!"
Niall groaned and I laughed, along with the other four boys in the background. Niall shook his head playfully and I stuck my tongue out at him, which he laughed at. My face turned serious as I went to ask him a question.
"Where are you heading next?" I asked
He thought for a moment before he remembered.
"We're going to Simon's House in Marabella, Spain and if we get through that round of the competition we will move into the XFactor house for the live performances."
I nodded, well I guess that means lots more boredom for me but oh well, at least Niall is happy, that makes one of us. I looked at my watch and jumped up with a start, oh shit! Niall looked at me curiously while I ran around my room in a mad panic.
"What's wrong Illy?" He asked
"I'm gonna be late to work!" I could hear him chuckle "I'll talk to you later Niall."
"Bye Illene, have fun at work."
I stuck my tongue out at him before hanging up and pocketing my phone, throwing on a nice jumper and some work jeans before racing out the door.
"BYE DAD!" I yelled over my shoulder.
I could hear him laugh as the door slammed shut and I shook my head before walking quickly down the street. Luckily work was only a five minute walk from my place. I checked my watch, ten minutes to get there but I probably need to buy lunch or something on the way. I raced into a coffee shop and brought a hot chocolate and a toasted sandwich before continuing on my way. I arrived at the shop with two minutes to spare, I looked up at the sign, DANNY'S ENGINEERING, with a smile before walking into the front desk. Scarlet Hanson looked up at me from her spot at the desk with a fond smile on her face, she sighed at me.
"What was it this time?" She asked
I shrugged as I signed in on the employees sheet.
"Niall called me." I replied "And I miss him so I answered. Simple as that."
She giggled quietly before passing me my apron, mask and goggles and directed me towards the workplace which was really just a shed that customers weren't meant to go into. I walked into the work area where Danny was slaving over the project that we were working on for a potato farmer.
"Hey Danny."
"Illene." He said, not looking up, "Why are you late?"
"I'm actually right on time thank you very much!"
He laughed and I got to work on my project, someone asked for a ramp so they can load their motorbikes onto trailers with ease and because it's simple and Danny's working on a much bigger project. It was due in a couple days' time so I was going to try and get the bulk of it done in my shift today so I can help Danny after I finish it. I'm sure you're wondering what my job is, well I'm a part time engineer at Danny's Engineering and although I'm not qualified it's mostly for training, but I have natural flair so Danny offered me a job. Danny Hanson is the father of Scarlet Hanson, who works as a receptionist, and runs his engineering business for six days a week, we all get Sundays off thank goodness. I pulled down my welding mask and started welding bits of the ramp together. I finished welding and took off the mask, I checked the time on my watch and was surprised to see that already two hours had passed, my shift today was for four hours so it was time for my break. I walked out to the front desk where I always take my breaks, I plopped into a chair next to Scarlet who looked up.
"How was work?" She asked
I reached over and grabbed one of the biscuits that she had sitting on her desk just for me, flashing her a smile as I did so.
"So far work is good." I replied
We laughed together while a customer walked in, in sync we both looked up at them to find a guy around my age and another guy who I assume was his father. Me and the boy made eye contact and I quickly looked away before grabbing another biscuit and checking my watch. I jumped up quickly before walking slowly in the direction of the workshop, a sheepish smile on my face.
"Well I better get back to work." I announced trying to not sound suspicious at all
Scarlet shot me a confused look.
"You still have five more minutes."
I rubbed the back of my neck as I walked backwards quickly and came up with an excuse in my head.
"Well the ramp needs finishing soon so uh bye!"
I quickly pushed open the door and walked in, letting it shut behind me and breathed a sigh of relief, Danny looked up at me curiously. Just at that moment Scarlet stuck her head in quickly.
"Uh Dad." She said "A customer wants to talk to you."
Danny nodded and walked outside the workshop towards the front desk, I breathed in and out before walking back over to my desk and putting the finishing touches on the loading ramp. By the time I was finished my shift was over, Danny had returned but I hadn't noticed him walk in. I called out to him.
"My shift is over, I'll see you in a couple days then Danny?"
He nodded and I waved at him over my shoulder before walking back into the front desk. Scarlet looked up briefly before typing something into her computer, I walked over and signed out before grabbing another biscuit and walking towards the door.
"See you in a couple days Scarlet."
"See ya then Illene."
I waved over my shoulder as I walked out the door, shutting it behind me. I decided to head home now so that I'm home by dinner time. I walked happily home, listening to music on my phone as I went, I arrived at my doorstep, pushed open the door and walked inside. I took out my earphones and closed my music app before walking deeper into the house. I could hear noises coming from the kitchen so I assumed Dad was in there. I walked in and he was slaving over the stove cooking something for dinner as usual.
"Hey Daddy."
He waved a hand in my direction and I shook my head fondly before setting the table for dinner.


There is another update for you all.

The only reason I'm updating all my books today is because one of my friends threatened to not read a book if I didn't. So of course the solution was to update all of them!

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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