Chapter 17 - The Drummer

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We were having another meeting because the boys wanted to work on their new single that was in the process, although we saw each other a couple months ago we were all looking forward to it. Liam and I arrived at the meeting place, which we all agreed was Harry and Ambria's Mum's place. Niall and I have become really close because he loves my cooking, a lot. He often gets me to make his favourite, chocolate brownies but I may or may not have given the recipe to Becca because I ship them so hard, we all do. Along with growing closer to Niall, I've also gotten quite close to Zayn, and there are definitely no feelings there at all. Nope we're just friends. Zayn and I had been talking a lot, getting to know each other a lot more, we both love art so that was one of the reasons we bonded, he found me sketching on some paper and we got talking about it. Anyway we were all here, well except for Zayn, he was suspiciously missing. What was even more suspicious was that both Becca and Ambria were here. They arrived first, I decided to investigate. I walked over to where Becca and Ambria were sitting, looking up the stairs before whispering to each other and giggling. I sat down next to Becca who flashed me a smile, she was slowly warming up to all of us. We had bonded over our shared love of cooking, and together we made the picnic for Mikayla and Harry's date, Miks helped a bit but it was mostly Becca and me.
"Hey have you seen Zayn?"
Instantly Ambira started laughing, Becca glared at her, giving her a sharp nudge in the ribs, Ambria scowled and rubbed the spot.
I raised an eyebrow at her answer and she simply smiled sweetly back at me.
"I don't believe you." I replied "Where is he?"
She was starting to panic now, she thought really quickly, I was getting more suspicious and on edge. Clearly he has to be here somewhere, finally Becca replied.
"Uh um one of our cousins died." She replied
I gave her a disbelieving look as Ambria nodded, confirming what she said. I shook my head, mentally facepalming at the terrible excuse.
"Bullshit, if one of your cousin's is dead then why are you here?"
She was really panicking now but then her eyes lit up and she smiled, which confused me greatly.
"Because.... He's here!"
I turned around to see Zayn standing there, a nervous and shy smile on his face, instantly a smile went to my face. I could hear Ambira giggling quietly and Becca trying desperately to make her be quiet. I'm guessing from the lack of laughing she pulled out one of her signature death glares, believe me that look can make Louis shut up. I stared into Zayn's gorgeous brown eyes as I waited to see what he would do next, he cleared his throat.
"Everyday we've been growing closer and I've realised that I don't want any other boy to be with you except me." He said "So Tara Jayde Payne, will you go on a date with me?"
My face broke out into a massive smile as I nodded before wrapping him in a hug, I could hear Becca awwing behind me. She is the biggest romantic of all time I swear, must be all those books she reads. Zayn and I broke apart and I turned to Becca, a teasing smile on my face, she simply smiled before opening her laptop that she brought and walking over to a corner. In the corner she started working on the said laptop, Zayn shook his head fondly before explaining she had an assignment she needed to do and was planning on finishing it today. So because of that we all left her in peace, except Zayn, he had to remind her to eat something, which she did, while working on her assignment. We all laughed and the boys started planning their song while us girls talked.
Tonight was my date with Zayn and to say I was nervous was an understatement, Ariana, Becca, Ambria, Illene and Mikayla were all over at my place to help me get ready. Well Becca made us all some food and refused to let me help which just made me sad but I got over it because Ariana bosses me around to get ready. I was dressed in black denim shorts, a black and white striped top, a black jacket over top and some converse on my feet, my brown hair was loose around my shoulders. The boys were all over at Becca, Zayn and Ambria's apartment to help him get ready, all of a sudden a horn beeps from outside. Becca smirked before racing outside, peeking out the door and coming back to us.
"Right then Tara that's them." She said "Have fun and just remember that is my baby brother you're going on a date with."
I laughed and exited the house, walking over to the car, which I knew was Becca's but no doubt Zayn was borrowing it for the time being. The car was a red Holden Commodore, it looked very nice, I smiled and climbed into the passenger's seat. Zayn smiled at me and as soon as I had shut the door and buckled up my seat belt he started driving off. I looked out the window briefly before turning back to the boy sitting beside me in the driver's seat.
"So where are we going?" I asked
He simply smirked, flashed me a charming smile and winked before replying vaguely with,
"You'll see."
I pouted and crossed my arms, pulling out my best puppy dogs eyes, unfortunately they did not do me any favours tonight. Zayn simply shrugged and looked back towards the road as I sighed.
"Only one person's puppy dog eyes work on me." He replied "Becca's."
I scowled wishing that Becca would slap some sense into him for me or pull out her puppy dog eyes so he would tell me where he's taking me. Suddenly Zayn parked the car and I looked up to see one of my favourite restaurants, I looked beside me to see that Zayn had opened the door for me, I smiled at him before exiting the vehicle. He shut the door before locking the car, he took my hand and together we walked inside. We ate a quick but nice dinner and then Zayn led my back to the car and then drove me to another destination for the second half of our date. No amount of pleading would convince him to tell me where we were going but he refused to budge. Finally we pulled up at a drive in cinema?
"A drive in?" I asked
He shrugged, parking the car near the front, turning in his seat and looking at me.
"Becca said it was more classy and I used to love coming to them with Becca when we were younger."
I smiled and nodded as he reached into the back seat, revealing a bag of food and I wouldn't exactly call it small. Inside he revealed a container of cookies and muffins, two bags of homemade popcorn and two glass bottles of lemonade, along with a note from Becca wishing us good luck. We both laughed at Becca because of that although we were both indebted to her for the food, I have a feeling she is going to be making all the food for all of our dates if it's required. The movie started and that's when I realised what movie we were watching, The Breakfast Club, that made me laugh. I turned to Zayn and inclined my head.
I love this movie a lot and I'm assuming that Becca was the one who suggested this considering she knows it's my favourite, I owe her for this. I'd have to thank her later for everything she's doing for us. I got really invested in the movie and didn't notice that Zayn's focus was more on me than the movie playing out in front of us. Near the end of the movie Zayn put his finger under my chin, tilting my head up and towards him.
"I'm going to kiss you now."
With that he pressed his lips to mine, while I was surprised my body went into autopilot as I leaned into the kiss. Eventually we pulled away, I sighed as we both settled back down and enjoyed our evening.


So we are one hundred percent into the date chapters now, YAY! One thing I just want to tell you all is that this book will probably be the longest book I have ever written, so expect it to go for a long time.

And that will be all from me for now, so as always,

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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