Chapter 20 - The Vocalist

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We were all catching a bus around town so the boys could all get to the recording studio to run through their ideas for their single. I was sitting in a window seat near the back, everyone was in front of me, Louis and Ambria were sitting in front, she was basically sleeping on his shoulder, it was pretty cute if you ask me. They recently put an official label on their relationship and have been almost inseparable ever since, everyone except Niall and I were in relationships, Harry and Mikayla, Zayn and Tara, Liam and Illene, and finally our most recent couple of course Louis and Ambria. Speaking of Louis, Louis and I had grown a lot closer ever since I slapped him really hard, I still feel a bit guilty for that but anyone who can put up with me and all the crap that comes with it, has me as a friend for life. I think one of the reasons I managed to bond with Louis so quickly is because he's just the polar opposite to me, funny, bright and confident, he manages to distract me from the rest of my life. I've also may have developed feelings for Niall, his cute smile and his dorky nature, well let's just say I was a goner from the start. He is definitely the opposite to my first boyfriend, because I can tell that his feelings are genuine, besides he hasn't run yet as well so I assume that must mean something good, right? I was staring out the window, lost in my one thoughts when my mind drifted to the blonde hair and blue eyes that I seem to be thinking about too much.
He'll never return those feelings. Why would he care for a worthless whore like you?
I put up walls for a reason, and it takes a lot for me to pull them down again, the last time I let them down it nearly killed me, and nobody even knows it. All of a sudden someone sat down next to me, I looked over to find Zayn sitting next to me with a look of concern on his face, he nudged me lightly.
"You alright Becca Bear"
I smiled at the childhood nickname, I nodded and leaned into him, feeling really tired and sleepy, Zayn wrapped an arm around my shoulder and gave me a hug. I sat up straight again and insisted that he returned to his girlfriend, he protested and wrapped me in a bear hug, I laughed a little as I tried to squirm out but alas Zayn refused to let me go. Suddenly the bus drivers slammed down on the brakes, causing Zayn and I to go lurching forward, well really Zayn lurched forward and I was dragged along behind him. Suddenly Niall stood up dramatically and turned to me, his face completely serious.
"I'm going to buy you Nandos!"
Illene giggled lightly and so did Tara, I wondered what about but shrugged it off, he raced off of the bus dramatically and we watched him disappear into Nandos. I finally managed to convince Zayn to go sit with Tara again, believe me it took a lot of convincing for him to leave, ever since I saw HIM again at the fair Zayn has been a bit more protective of me than usual. Suddenly Niall arrived back at the bus with a small cardboard box of chicken and salad, I thanked him and he sat down in his seat across the aisle from me as I ate it slowly. I looked up to see everyone watching me intently, that just made me self conscious. I ate it slowly so as to not spill any on my favourite sweatshirt, once I got to the bottom I found a slip of paper that was covered in a bit of cling wrap not to get it dirty. Curious I picked it up and unwrapped it to find a note written in Niall's handwriting, Will you go on a date with me? I blinked a few times, processing the information I just received, he returns my feelings without knowing I have them?
This is a joke, nobody would ever like you, worthless piece of shit
I looked over to Niall who's gorgeous blue eyes were staring at me intently, I locked eyes with him and my serious expression melted into a loving smile. I nodded twice, his face lit up with joy, everyone else was waiting for a spoken answer, so I gave him one,
"Yes." I said quietly, just loud enough for everyone to hear "I'll go on a date with you."
The entire bus erupted into cheers, even the bus driver joined in, I smiled before sighing in happiness.


Ambria was out visiting Harry in the evening and Zayn was in his room on a video call with Tara so that left Niall and I the house to ourselves. I was wearing my favourite pair of black leggings, I was wearing a simple pink, black, white and dark blue striped knit long sleeve shirt and had a white singlet underneath. On my feet were my favourite pair of really thick socks because I could not be bothered to wear actual shoes, even uggies. I walked into the kitchen, trying to keep myself from falling too deep inside my mind, always my downfall. I took the margherita pizza I had made out of the oven and put it on the table, Zayn then walked out of his room, taking in the smell of the pizza. I cut it and served him three generous slices. He gave me a hug from behind, wrapping his secure arms around me as I took a shaky breathe out, this would be my first date in about two years. Suddenly a knock came at the door and I jumped, Zayn smiled before going to answer it for me, I sent him a helpless look before sprinting to my room, I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling, hugging one of my teddies that had one of Zayn's shirts on it.
This is a bad idea. He's only going to hurt you because nobody could ever love you, your not worthy of it
Zayn came to the door and I stood up before following him into the kitchen and dining room area, there was Niall, dressed in a plain white t-shirt with black jeans on, I swallowed before smiling. Even just seeing him there, standing in my kitchen awkwardly, was enough to make almost all of my fears and thoughts melt away. I gave Niall a hug as Zayn grabbed his plate of pizza and retreated to his room to watch a movie on his laptop probably, I led Niall to the dining room and sat down across from him. We ate the pizza before I stood up, smiling.
"I have one last thing for us to do." I said softly "You love food more than anything but tonight you're going to make it."
His uncertain expression was adorable, I held out a hand before pulling him up and taking him to the kitchen where I had already laid out all of the ingredients for the cake that I planned for us to make. I led him through each step, sometimes showing him what to do then allowing him to actually do it.
"Great job!" I congratulated as he successfully cracked an egg "Now we just need to open the flour..."
I reached over to open the flour bag, I put the correct amount into the mixing bowl and I looked over at Niall. He was biting his lip as he concentrated on cracking another eggs, it was just too tempting to not do it. After he finished the egg I reached into the flour bag, grabbed a bit of flour before throwing it at him, it ended up in his hair and on his forehead, I laughed as his face morphed from one of shock to one of someone planning revenge. Before I could even comprehend what was happening he had grabbed the bag of flour and tossed about half the packet in my direction. I managed to dodge most of it but some got on my shirt, I pouted before grabbing some flour and flinging it at him, this obviously ended up in a major flour fight. Eventually we ran out of flour as we stood there, staring at the mess we made in the kitchen, I then looked over at Niall who was covered head to toe in flour. I couldn't help it and I started laughing, Niall however simply stared at me, I was looking around before I even recognised his hand on my cheek, cupping my face as he pressed his lips to mine. My first instinct was to push him away but then I realised that this was Niall, not Brock, I didn't need to worry, Zayn had reassured me that I was safe with him.
What would anyone see in you? Your fat, ugly, your a slut and are a complete piece of worthless shit
Pushing the thoughts away I wrapped my arms around his neck, suddenly the door opened and Ambria gasped in shock at the sight before running to our room to give us some privacy. I regretfully pulled out of the kiss, Niall pouted in the most adorable way possible, I ran a hand through his hair
"Well then we better clean up, finish the cake and then we can eat it."
He nodded and we cleaned up the kitchen of all the flour and then finished the cake, putting it in the oven. I then made us two cups of hot cocoa for us before sitting at the bench. Once the cake was done we each had a slice before I put it in the fridge. Niall left a little later, I joined the others to watch a movie


Sorry, it's been basically forever since I've updated this book but I'm planning a new one and am trying to post all of the Kinesis Girls so it's out of the way.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll be back soon with another update. And if it's not here in another three days then I give you all permission to Private Message me demanding an update. But only in three days!!!

As always,

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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