Chapter 12 - The Guitarist

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I had officially moved in with the Maliks, permanently this time. The boys had come third in XFactor but were determined to stay together as a band, Becca's room now had a double bed instead of a single and we shared it. Zayn had returned home and treated me like I was his younger sister, he is kind of like my older brother. Zayn had decided that it was time for Becca and I to 'meet the boys' so Becca was driving us to the meeting place, which was at a park somewhere. I had also introduced Becca and Harry and they were also quite close, we arrived at the park and Becca parked the car. I climbed out the front seat, Zayn and I may or may not have gotten into a fight this morning about it, I won obviously. Zayn led us over to where Harry was waiting, I ran over to him and gave him a hug, Becca also gave him a hug and Zayn did this weird bro handshake thing. Becca and I shook our heads at that, suddenly another car pulled up and a guy and a girl with blonde hair walked out. Becca and I exchanged glances before shifting even closer together, meeting new girls wasn't part of the deal. The guy who we soon learned was Niall immediately walked over to Harry and Zayn, his female companion trailing along behind. Soon enough a guy called Liam and a guy called Louis arrived with a female companion along with them. Becca pulled her pullover tighter around her, glancing around nervously.
"Why is he making me meet new people?" She wondered aloud "God knows I hate it."
I nodded agreeing with what she was saying, the one called Louis walked over to us, slinging his arm casually over my shoulder.
"Hey there beautiful."
I tried to move away but found that I couldn't, instead I pulled my head away from him.
"Are you trying to seduce me?"
"Uh no," He replied "I'm trying to flirt with you."
I looked up and saw Harry facing away from me so I pulled myself away from Louis before running at him.
I jumped onto his back, taking him by surprise, he stumbled before falling onto the ground with a grunt. I however came off unscathed, put my hands on my hips and looked down at him with a disapproving look on my face.
"You useless piece of shit."
He moaned in pain and Becca came to my side, looking down at him with pity before helping him to stand up again. Once he was upright she tapped his chin twice.
"Chin up Harry darling."
I smiled and shook my head before both Becca and I resumed our positions from before, I was explaining some story from when Harry and I were little when I felt her shuffle so that she was almost behind me. She had buried her head into my shoulder, pointing a little towards the Irish Blonde one, Niall who was looking at her up and down.
"He's looking at me funny." She said, her voice weak and vulnerable "Make him stop!"
I looked over at Niall before looking back at Becca who was cowering in fear, I sighed.
"Becca he's checking you out." I whispered
"Exactly!" She hissed, "Make him stop!"
Niall was trying to look at Becca from in front of me when all of a sudden Zayn stood in the way, his hands directly in front of him, his voice was cool and his stare deadly. Becca lifted her head up a little so she could watch the interaction, from a safe distance of course.
"What's going on here?" He demanded
Becca and I almost choked on our laughter, here Zayn was acting like an overprotective big brother and bodyguard. Niall took a step back, almost scared and Louis stood next to him, his eyes darting between Zayn and me
"Are you two dating?" He asked
Zayn, Becca and I looked at each other before bursting out into laughter, Niall and Louis looked at us confused.
"No that would be weird." I replied "I just live with them."
Becca and Zayn both nodded, agreeing with what I had just said. Louis breathed a sigh of relief and Niall just stood there silent, still staring at Becca, so she decided to hide behind Zayn. Eventually he convinced her to stop hiding and introduce herself, she stood there nervously and raised a hand in greeting.
"Hi." She said simply "I'm Becca Malik, Zayn's twin sister, but I usually just get called Becca."
They all nodded and then the other boys and girls came over and Becca clearly was fighting the urge to hide again. We all went round introducing ourselves, Illene is Niall's younger sister, Tara is Liam's and Mikayla is Louis' younger sister. We all started talking a little, neither Niall nor Becca were saying much when suddenly Niall spoke up, directing his words to Becca.
"Can I call you Bec?"
She stopped moving completely and I would dare say she stopped breathing in general, in a second her eyes glistened with tears and she turned before sprinting away. Zayn instantly looked up, shot me an apologetic look before sprinting after her, I looked on in shock. Who knew they could both run that fast? I turned around and watched as they both disappeared from view, I watched as Zayn looked up into the branches of a thick oak tree. He stayed there for a second before coming back towards us, I turned back to everyone else.
"Hang on a sec."
They all nodded and I ran towards him, when I arrived I caught my breath before asking him a question.
"Is she okay?"
He nodded, looking over his shoulder at the tree before looking back at me, I followed his gaze, if I looked hard enough I could see a dark outline curled up in the branches.
"She's fine." He replied "The nickname Bec just hits a nerve with her."
I nodded and looked back at the tree, Zayn told me that he was going to go sit with her until she calmed down, I nodded again before turning around and heading back to the group. They all looked at me curiously, particularly Harry and Niall, I smiled at them before answering their unasked questions.
"She's fine." I replied "She just needs a minute to calm down."
They all nodded but I could tell that Niall blamed himself for what happened so I smiled at him comfortingly, he smiled gratefully back at me. We turned into a conversation about what One Direction was planning to do next, clearly they had no idea. All of a sudden we all heard footsteps from behind us, we all turned to find Becca and Zayn walking towards us. Becca had her head in his shoulder, her hair covering her face, while Zayn was rubbing circles in her shoulder calmingly while whispering to her in hushed tones. I wanted to ask what happened but knew that I should save it for later, instead when they arrived I gave her a small hug. She smiled thankfully and me before hugging me back tightly. We seperated and she joined in the conversation as did Zayn. Zayn watched her closely and so did I, I just wanted to make sure she was okay, a couple minutes later we decided to call it a day. I gave Harry a hug before walking with Zayn over to the car, I looked behind me to see Becca and Niall in a conversation. She was looking shyly at him while he was clearly nervous just being in her presence, I sighed just looking at them, I ship them so badly. She came back over and this time I volunteered to sit in the back so they could sit in the front together. I looked out the window and found my thoughts drifting to Louis...


So it's been almost two weeks since my last update and I'm sorry... or am I??????

Lol I hope you enjoyed it, the next couple chapters will be basically the same thing except told from the other girls perspectives. After that I think there might be a bit of a time skip.

Anyway have a great day!!!!

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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