Chapter 14 - The Drummer

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Liam and I arrived at the park at the same time as another girl and boy, the boy I already knew was Louis because Liam showed me pictures of all the boys the other day, but the girl I had no idea. Louis and Liam greeted each other and walked towards the group of six people, three boys and three girls. What on earth is with all these people? I thought I was meeting the other boys in One Direction properly but they all brought someone apparently. I started talking to Louis' sister Mikayla and Niall's sister Illene, they were both younger like me. All of a sudden someone ran into me, I looked up to see it was Zayn, his eyes were apologetic and I could see a girl who looked like him laughing behind him, a girl with brown hair asking her a question. Before long they were both laughing. 
"Sorry about that." He muttered
"Uh it's fine." I replied awkwardly
We started talking when all of a sudden another girl who I think came with Zayn and the other girl ran over to Harry and jumped on his back.
Harry fell to the ground with a groan and the girl stood there, hands on her hips and a disapproving look on her face looking down at him.
"You useless piece of shit."
He moaned in pain while she stood there with her hands on her hips, the girl with black hair walked over and helped him to his feet, tapping underneath his chin twice with a smile.
"Chin up Harry darling."
The two girls resumed their previous positions and I missed what happened next because I was talking to LIam who was staring at Illene, I shook my head at him before giving him a light shove. He turned around and glared at me.
"What?!?" He asked
"Man up and go talk to her." I demanded
He sighed and walked over to her, muttering something under his breath about something, I shook my head and watched the
"Hi." He said
"Hi." She replied
He shuffled away quietly, his head down while I laughed loudly, oh god he is so pathetic sometimes, but I love him anyway. Suddenly the two girls and Zayn started laughing while Louis and Niall stood there very confused. The brown haired girl said something and Zayn and the other girl nodded, the black haired girl then decided to hide behind Zayn because Niall was staring at her, something tells me that she is obviously not okay about meeting everyone today. Zayn must have convinced her to stop hiding because she stepped out from behind him and lifted her head with a small but nervous smile.
"Hi." She said simply "I'm Rebecca Malik, Zayn's twin sister, but I usually just get called Becca."
Illene, Mikayla, Liam and I all walked over and she almost ducked back behind her brother but he gave her a look that told her not to. The girl next to her smiled at us all and put up a hand in greeting.
"Hi I'm Ambria Styles." She said "Harry's twin sister."
Illene stepped forward and introduced herself, I decided to follow suit.
"Hi I'm Tara Payne." I said holding up a hand "I'm Liam's younger sister."
I stepped forward and introduced myself, then Mikayla followed suit, all while this was happening both Becca and Niall kept quiet while the rest of us were talking. Suddenly and randomly Niall started talking.
"Can I call you Bec?"
She stopped moving completely and I would dare say she stopped breathing in general, in a second her eyes glistened with tears and she turned before sprinting away. Zayn instantly looked up, shooting all of us an apologetic look before sprinting after her. We all watched in shock while Ambria watched closely, then she looked back at us. What on earth is happening?
"Hang on a sec."
She turned on her heel before running back towards where the other two disappeared to, meeting Zayn in the middle. They had a brief conversation before she nodded and turned back on her heel and raced back over to us. We all looked at her, asking the question that no one dared voice, she smiled at us before answering.
"She's fine." She replied "She just needs a minute to calm down."
We all nodded and moved the conversation to something entirely, Ambria was watching for any signs of Becca and Zayn while Illene was watching Niall closely. We all moved into a conversation about what One Direction was going to do next when we heard footsteps, we all looked over in that direction, Zayn and Becca were walking back over to us. She had her head had her head in his shoulder, her hair covering her face, while Zayn was rubbing circles in her shoulder calmingly while whispering to her in hushed tones. When they arrived Ambria gave Becca a small hug which she returned, they parted and both Zayn and Becca joined our conversation.
"Are you going to release any music?" Mikayla asked
The boys all shrugged and us girls all laughed lightly at them, oh they are so clueless, they didn't even win XFactor yet they have millions of fans. To be fair they came third and that is an amazing achievement and I think I speak for everyone when I say we're all extremely proud of them.  Still the fanbase may dissipate if they don't produce something, but we can deal with that when, and if, it happens. We hung around for a little longer before we all decided to head home. I gave them all hugs before Liam and I walked back to where Ruth was meeting us with the car. She agreed to drive us because she was going to meet one of her friends or something, I didn't really pay attention but I was grateful she agreed to drive us. She pulled up and unlocked the doors, unlike most of the time I let Liam have the front seat, feeling nice for once. I climbed into the backseat, opting to sit in the middle so I could see out the front windscreen, Ruth smiled at us both before driving off towards home.
"So how was it?" She asked
"Good." I replied "A tad bit of drama but otherwise nothing out of the ordinary."
She looked confused and Liam explained briefly.
"Becca, Zayn's sister, ran off a bit upset." He explained "Something Niall said."
I could tell she wanted to ask more questions and find out more but sorry Ruth we don't actually know the answers, wish we did but we don't. I quickly changed the subject, telling Ruth about how Zayn ran into me and even telling her about Liam awkwardly going to talk to Illene, we both found it hilarious and laughed about it for a good five minutes. Liam then changed the subject to something different all together, asking Ruth about how her time was with her friend.
"It was good," She replied, "I haven't seen her in a long time."
I nodded absentmindedly before looking out the window, blocking out the conversation that was happening between Ruth and Liam in the front. I was surprised to find that my mind wandered to Zayn, I mean where on earth is this coming from. I was snapped back to reality when Liam called my name for about the fifth time, an annoyed look on his face.
"What are you thinking about?"
"Nothing."  I replied
Better not tell him. It'll be my secret, for now...


Now it's just Mikayla and the meetings will be all done, I hope you enjoyed reading them. Once these are done we move into a bit more of an interesting time...

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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