Chapter 10 - The Bass

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I had just finished exercising Thunderbolt, our star track horse and I was walking him into the stables so the stable hands could prepare him for his track run later this week. I smiled at the many riders and excercisers like myself before arriving at Thunder's stable. There were no stable hands available so I did it myself. I pulled off all his gear before picking up a curry comb and started brushing him. He stood there patiently as I brushed him and showed his appreciation by nuzzling my side. I smiled at him and rubbed his face with the body brush.
"They say you're a big tough guy." I cooed, "But you're nothing but a big sweetheart."
He nodded his head like he was agreeing with me, I laughed and then I looked up to find Timothy leaning over the stable door.
"Hey there Timmy." I said as I brushed Thunder
"Mikayla." He replied "Your shift is almost up and boss wants you in the office."
I nodded before chucking the brush at him which he fumbled before catching, I laughed at him before exiting the stall and allowing him to enter.
"Finish brushing him for me will ya?"
He nodded and started Thunder who watched me as I walked away with a sad look on his face, I giggled at that. I arrived at the bosses office, the door was open but I knocked anyway with a smile on my face.
"Knock Knock."
He looked up, waved me into his office and I took a seat on the other side of his desk.
"Mikayla." He said "I just wanted to say congratulations."
Okay now I was confused. Maybe he congratulated me to congratulate Lou on making into bootcamp, speaking of which I need to call him later to see how he went but that's a thing for later.
"Um what do you mean sir?" I asked
He looked up at me and stared me in the eyes briefly before passing me a sheet of paper, I looked down at it, it was Thunder's exercise stats and he was going pretty well.
"Thunderbolt has improved a lot since you arrived and started working with him." Boss explained "And I wanted to congratulate you on a job well done."
I nodded, reading over the stats a second time before passing them back to boss, didn't want to get in trouble now did I?
"Now get outta here." He said in a joking tone
I mock saluted him as I stood up.
"Sir yes sir." I barked
I laughed before walking out of the office and outside to where I parked my bike when I arrived this morning. I picked it up before putting on my helmet and buckling it up before swinging my leg over the bike and sitting down. I started pedalling, making the 1 Kilometer journey back towards Mum's place, I looked around the countryside before it started turning into the town that I loved. I stuck my hand out to indicate that I was turning into my street. I pulled up into my driveway before parking my bike around the side of the house before walking up to the front door. I wiped my feet on the doormat before opening the door and walking inside the house. I pulled off my coat and hung it on the coat hanger along with my scarfe before pulling off my dirty boots and shoving them in the shoe rack.
"MUM!" I called "I'M HOME."
I walked deeper into the house and then into the kitchen where Felicite, Lottie, Daisy, Phoebe and Mum were all cooking something. I smiled at them all before picking up my iPad Pro and grabbed an apple, I walked over and gave them all a hug before walking up to my room.
"What are you doing?" Mum asked
"I'm going to facetime Lou!" I replied
They left me alone and I set up the iPad on my bed, laying down on my stomach before clicking onto facetime and selecting Lou's icon. It rang three times before the face of my older brother filled the screen, I waved at him before taking a bite of my apple.
"HEY MIKKI!" He yelled
We both laughed.
"So" I said "How did bootcamp go?"
He wriggled in his seat as he settled down with a bowl of pasta that seemed to appear out of nowhere but anyway that doesn't matter.
"Bootcamp went good." He replied "I made it in but got put in the group category and formed a band with four other guys."
I nodded, had a sip of water from my glass and took another bite from my apple as Louis opened his mouth to talk again.
"Their names are Harry, Niall, Liam and Zayn." He said "And together we are One Direction! Harry came up with the name."
I nodded again and took another bite from my apple and a sip from my glass of water. The door opened and I looked up to see Lottie walk in with a plate that contained two cookies, she smiled and put them down next to me. She waved to Louis and I thanked her for the cookies, she then walked back out of my room, closing the door softly behind her. I turned back to the iPad to see Louis looking longingly at the cookies. I finished my apple before chucking the core into my bin, I picked up a cookie, stuck my tongue out a Lou before munching on it. He pouted adorable and I smirked at him.
"Hm yum." I teased "You know you're really missing out here Lou."
"You know I was thinking..."
"Wow shocker!" I interrupted
He glared at me and I giggled lightly before allowing him to continue.
"If we shouldn't eat at night, why do they put a light in the fridge?"
We both looked at each other dead in the eyes before bursting out into fits of laughter, I really miss him but hopefully he'll make it through with his band and he can come home.
"That was actually a really good one." I commented
We both continued laughing and I heard another voice on Louie's end join our conversation.
"Everything good here?" The voice asked
Louis nodded while laughing and that of course made me start laughing as well. The voice entered the screen and it was a guy, which I had already worked out, who had green eyes and brown hair that was extremely curly. Louis and I recovered from our laughing fit and he introduced me to the stranger.
"Mikki this is Harry Styles." He said, clearing his throat, " Harry this is Mikayla, my sister."
"Nice to meet you."
"You too." I said
The newly dubbed Harry disappeared again and left Louis and I to our conversation, he told me all about bootcamp and informed me that they were off to Simon's house in Marabella, Spain for the next round of competition.
"And if we make it then we move into the XFactor house for the live performances." He informed me
I nodded and we moved onto how I was going before we said our goodbyes. I hung up before closing the iPad and returning downstairs to the rest of my family.


Here is another update, I hope you are all going okay.

Remember to give suggestions if you want them, there always appreciated!

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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