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Changed Maddie's room coz I didn't like the other one much. haha


Maddie's POV-

"No! No! Ethan! Dad! Get up! You can't die! Please don't leave me!" I scream, tears streaming down my face. I hear the gunshots even when I close my ears to all noise. I see the gaping hole in the middle of Dad's forehead. I hear Ethan "I love you. Those who we love will never truly leave us."

Quoting his favorite book and mine 'Harry Potter' he smiles and stops moving, his body becoming cold. The ghost of his last smile etched upon his face. "No Ethan please!" I beg him not to lose hope, but he's gone forever now.

"Hey Madi! It's over. Get up. Everything's fine." I hear distant voices echoing in my head. "No Ethan! Dad!" I scream. I feel soft fingers stroking my hair just like Ethan used to. USED TO. "Shhh! It's fine. It's all over." The voice repeats.

A sudden burst of light scorches my eyes. I force my eyes open and see that I'm safe in my bedroom, with all my brothers crowded around my bed. I see Matt stroking my hair, knowing it would comfort me. "Hey Mads." He says worry, written all over his face. Will reaches over and brushes the tears off my face, with the pad of his thumb. "Everything's fine princess. All fine." He whispers, trying to convince himself more than me. I try to sit up before Matt pushes me back down and says sternly "Don't get up. It's 3:00 am and you have school, today. So, you need your rest. Please." He adds in the end, pleading with me to listen to him.

I nod before I ask in barely a whisper "Can one of you stay with me tonight?" Will nods beckoning everyone except Matt to leave the room. They follow Will reluctantly, as though all of them would rather stay the night instead of one. My mind flashes a sudden image of all of them snoring in slumber, in my room and I give out a sudden chuckle I didn't know I had in me. My brothers stop to stare at me, and Ben starts laughing causing everyone else to laugh as well.

I think "What a happy ending to a scary night." "It is a happy ending isn't it." Jay replies. I glance at Jay and ask, "Did I say that out loud?" "Sure, did sugarpie!" He replied trying to mimic his old teacher Mr. Dylan but failing badly. "Hm..." I reply vaguely before darkness consumes me taking me to a dreamless sleep.


Hey peeps! Hope you liked it so far! How do you think her first day at a new school will be? 

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