New Friend!

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That's Jody, she looks pretty! right? tell moi' your thoughts.


Maddie's POV-

We entered the hell hole also known as school. I walked to my locker and dumped half of my unwanted books in and took the books for the first two classes I had. Eli did the same. "Leggo." I said pulling his arm. We went to homeroom and sat down in the back as usual. We didn't have practice today, so we didn't have to bring our football duffels or stay back.

I pulled out my murder mystery book 'Fool Me Once' by Harlan Coben and started reading it while Eli started doodling in his notebook. "You like Harlan Coben?" someone asked interrupting my journey into the world of mysteries. I looked up to see a girl with light brown hair and glasses looking at me. "Yeah. I do." I replied.

"I'm Jody by the way." She introduced herself. "I'm Madison. You can call me Maddie." "I know. You're pretty popular because you fought Ashley and because you're the first girl on the boys football team." "Well, that spread around fast." I said as she laughed.

"You like reading?" I asked. "Of course! It's my life." She exclaimed "What about you?" "It's what I do in my spare time. Apart from sports of course." I replied. "Do you play any sports Jody?" "I play volleyball and dodgeball? If that counts?" "Of course, it does. We should play sometime!" I said excitedly. She furrowed her eyebrows and said, "You would actually want to hang out with me?" pointing at herself. "Why wouldn't I? You're pretty cool and seem like an amazing person." she smiled excitedly and said "Cool. When do you wanna play?" she said excitedly "If your offer still stands of course." She added quickly.

Jody's POV-

I had a friend! After, so long. And she seemed cool too. "When do you wanna play?" I said excitedly. "If your offer still stands of course." I added quickly. What if she was joking about playing together! "we could play today? I don't have practice today and we could get to know each other? If you're free?" she said. I nodded and said "Sure. I'm free today." "Cool. We can go over to my place?" she said. I nodded and said "Yeah. That's fine. Can I have your number?" I asked. "If I can have yours?" she joked. I smiled and we exchanged phones.

I entered my number '001- 5977243211' (this number is fake. if it happens to be real it's purely coincidental and i'm sorry) and entered my name as 'Jody the goof 🤡' I gave her phone back and she gave mine. I saw her number '001 – 8625339701'  (this number is fake. if it happens to be real it's purely coincidental and i'm sorry) and her name as 'Maddie the crazy person 🤪' we both laughed at the names we had put in each other's phones. "Let me introduce you to my other friend." She said as she poked the boy sitting next to her. "Yeah?" He asked flipping his blackish-brown hair to the side.

"Eli Jody. Jody Eli." She said introducing us. I waved shyly as he said "Sup?" and went back to his drawing. Maddie shook her head with a grin. Suddenly, the bell rang and Maddie and I said our goodbyes and exited the classroom going to our separate classes.


Hiii everyone! *hides behind chair* So, let me explain before you kill me for not updating for soooo long. i had writers block when all of a sudden when i was playing soccer in my house (yes in my house. please don't sue me. the ball doesn't even have air. lol) i got an amazing idea if i do say so myself. and i thought lemme write it down and update the story. also, my summer holidays have officially started so I can update more often. I'm sorry once again. hope you like this chapter!

stay safe my fellow couch potatoes! 

Human out! 

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