Football Tryouts

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Jesse up top! ☝☝ this pic doesn't belong to me, it has been taken from pinterest. Hope you all like this chapter. 


Jesse's POV-

The bell rang and I ran out to the field without waiting for the teacher to dismiss us. I saw Coach George waiting on the field with his clipboard. I was excited as today was tryouts and as captain I got to make the decision as to who makes the team. I waved to coach and made my way to the boys' locker room.

I quickly changed into my soccer clothes and went back onto the field. I saw all my teammates coming onto the field, "Hey Ezra, Felix my dudes!" Ezra was the joker and the most childish of the trio, Felix the most studious of us three and me the one who was obsessed with sports, sports, and only sports. Together we were the golden trio of the school.

"Sup captain." Ezra said laughing. Ezra, Felix, and I did our man handshake and I sent them off to change. I passed the people trying out and went over to coach and asked him "Are these all the people who are trying out?" he nodded and said "Yeah. Anyone coming after five minutes won't be allowed to try out."

I nodded and said "Right." By that time all of my teammates had come out and had taken a seat on the bleachers behind me and Coach George and the students trying out were assembled in front of us. I noticed that there was a girl standing with the others too. I decided to give her a chance.

I looked at coach for confirmation on whether I should talk, and coach gave a slight nod, and I addressed the students in front of me. "Hey. I'm the captain for the soccer team, Jesse. Today I will be testing your skills in the game of soccer. First, let's start with introductions." "Adam, John, Gideon, Daniel, Lucas, Noah, Peter, Seth, Elliot, Madison."

Everyone except Elliot turned at the name Madison and started snickering. I was about to intervene when I saw Madison turn and glare at everyone, causing them to shut up. I smiled at her confidence and continued talking. "Ok, first we will be doing endurance, then passing and controlling, then a small match between those of you trying out." They nodded and said in unison "YES CAPTAIN!"

I told them to run as many laps around the field as they could before their stamina gives out, and to come and sit in the bleachers once they were done. They nodded and started running. Coach and I sat in the bleachers along with my other teammates. I watched everyone and noted that not all of them had very good stamina.

I saw Peter stopped after around five laps and came and sat down. Very soon everyone had sat down except Madison and Elliot who were on their twenty fifth lap. I saw them exchange a look and communicate silently. They nodded slightly and stopped at the exact same time. They seemed to know each other.

I smiled at them and beckoned the students trying out onto the field again. I told them "I want all of you to create five groups of two people each for the passing and controlling." They dispersed into pairs and I saw that Madison and Elliot were together again. I gave them all a duke and told them to start.

I saw everyone was playing well especially Noah, Seth, Elliot, and Madison. They played as well as Max, Felix, Ezra, and me the star players of the team as coach put it. They passed, controlled, and played a match.

Once they finished the match, I told them "The list of those who are chosen for the team will be put up tomorrow." I heard a few people say "Cool." And a few others nodding. I nodded my head in acknowledgement and waved bye to coach and went to change.


Hiii! hope you guys liked this chapter! what did you all think about Jesse? he is kinda like me, a total slave-driver when he is the captain/leader. hehe. 😁 i have also changed the name and cover for the book. hope you like it! ❤

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