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That's Dante. Hope you like this chapter. stay safe!


Unknown's POV-

"When're you gonna tell them man?" Dante asked. "not until I find him and make him pay." I replied. "It's been a year. Don't you think that they're hurting?" Dante said in disapproval. "They're watching my family's every move. I'm not letting them get harmed." I said trying to keep my voice calm. "Fine. What're we gonna do now?" he asked me. "We're checking on my sister." I said smiling lightly at the thought of my baby.

"Where's she?" I asked. We had people who tracked my family's whereabouts to keep them safe, so we knew where they were every second of every day. "She's at Sunset Beach." He informed me. I nodded and I grabbed my jacket and pulled it on as Dante did the same. We exited the house and got into Dante's black SUV.

Dante turned the radio on and put it on low while I looked out of the tinted windows. After around twenty minutes we reached Sunset Beach at 6:30. We got out after Dante parked the car and we pulled our hoods over our heads. We walked around the beach to find my sister.

Once we did, we saw her and a girl with glasses laughing. "You're crazy Jody Johnson. You know that?" she said. "Hey, do a background search for a Jody Johnson." I told Dante. "Yeah." He said as he pulled out the mini laptop, he always carried with him. I watched my sister and her friend talk until it became 7.

They got up heading in our direction. Dante and I quickly walked back to the car and drove back to our place. 

My baby has grown up.


I'm sorry for the short chapter but I hope you liked this chapter. stay home and stay safe! 

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