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Elliot's POV-

Mads and I walk into Summer View High which is our new high school. I sling my arm over Maddie's shoulder, and we take the timetable and locker codes out of our bag. We had all our classes together and our lockers were next to each other's. Courtesy of our brothers.

1) AP English- Mr. Brown

2) AP Chem- Ms. Smith

3) AP Calc- Mr. Patel

4) History- Mr. Johnson

5) Gym- Coach Miller

6) AP Spanish- Ms. Gonzales


7) Biology- Ms. Taylor

8) Economics- Mr. Moore

"Mads we have English first then Chem. So, get those books. Hm?" I inform her. "Ok. You sure Eli?" she asks. "We have the same timetable Maddie." I remind her. "Oh yeah! Got it. Let's go." She says excited. I put my arm over her shoulder again and we walk to our class.

"You trying out for gymnastics this year?" I ask her. "If there's no girls soccer team then yes." She replies. I shake my head in amusement, remembering that she is as much of a soccer fanatic as us boys. We walked down the long corridor when one girl strutted over to me and asked "Hi I'm Ashlee. What's your na-" she stopped abruptly, wrinkling her nose in distaste when she looked Maddie's outfit.

Ashlee asked her "What in the world are you wearing? That's just plain ugly!" Mads laughed at what she said and retorted "I don't know what your problem is but I'm not going to ask you, as it may be hard for you to pronounce." I burst out laughing, as Ashlee scowled at Maddie. I raised my hand for a high-five to Mads when Ashlee decided to interrupt. AGAIN. She high-fived me instead and I cried jokingly "Eww! Cooties. Don't touch me!"

I grabbed Maddie's hand and strutted away, copying the star-struck wannabe we left behind. We made it to our AP English class panting and laughing. We stood in the doorway trying to catch our breath, only to realize that everyone was staring at us. We looked at each other and continued laughing like maniacs.

I thought "Wow! Way to make a first impression right Mads?" She replied "Mhmm! They must think we're crazy people." "Best friend's telepathy!" I thought proudly. "You know I can hear your thoughts, right?" Maddie asked. Someone cleared their throat reminding Mads and I that we were still in front of the class.

We looked up to see a young man who I thought was Mr. Brown "Do you two care to introduce yourselves?" He asked. "Sorry Mr. Brown. Sup. I'm Elliot Drew and this is my best friend..." I replied waiting for Maddie to continue. 


Hope Ya'll like this chapter. and read @natashapreston she is a good writer. anyway i'll be publishing everyday coz I already wrote that chapters beforehand. so be prepared *insert evil laugh* anyway before i start ranting like a maniac. byeee!

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