Sassy Pants

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Maddie's POV-

"Don't even think about it." Will said grabbing the box I was going to pick up from my hands. "My ankle's not broken anymore." I said throwing my hands up in the air in exasperation. They had been doing this all day, they never let me touch let alone carry a box. All I did was sit around looking at everyone. Which may I add is super boring?

"It's still tender." Jay and Damon said in unison as they passed by.

Creepy twins.

I leaned on the now plain wall. "Can I at least paint something?" I groaned. "Well.... You can paint one spot of the wall." Cameron said hesitating. "Yay!" I cheered pumping a fist up in the air. Not much but something compared to sitting like potato in one corner. I pulled my phone out and clicked on Spotify and went over to my playlist and played the song to jam to. 'Nice To Meet Ya' by Niall Horan started playing and I belted the song out making everyone except Ben cover their ears. And Ben being Ben joined me.

After three hours of boring nonsense...

I wiped the bright neon blue paint that I begged to paint onto one part of the wall onto the old tee I was wearing. I put the huge brush down and looked at the spot with the critical eye of Bob Ross. Nah, who am I kidding I looked at it with love even though it sucked cos I'm not one of the best painters in world obviously.

"I'm done! Come and look at this masterpiece of a wall!" I shouted to everyone who was waiting outside because well, who doesn't like surprises. Especially, one which can never be removed whether you hate it or love it.

That was sarcasm.

They all walked in and Cam groaned in annoyance. "It looks even worse than I thought. It doesn't even go with the dark blue vibe." I gave him a dirty look and said, "Add a little brightness in your life sunshine." All my brothers looked at me like I grew three heads, fifteen eyes, five eyes and twenty legs.

What? I'm a very descriptive person.

"What?" I shrugged. "Where are you learning this from?" Will asked. "Let me see. Lemme go in age order." I said. "You, Parker, Damon, Jay, Cam, Matt, Andrew, Ben and Elliot." I grinned. They all raised their eyebrows at me. "Excuse me? Me? I'm a very nice person sweetheart." Jay said flipping his non-existent hair. "You see what I'm talking about?" I said pointing at me weirdo brother.

Realization hit Jay and he said "Oh. Yes, I see it now." Nodding like he understood everything in this world like Shakespeare. "Well, I do see it. It's all Jay's fault." Will blamed like the amazing older brother he was.

"Can we go back to this wall!" Cam exclaimed startling all of us. "This is a beautiful piece of wall." I said. "Can we get some Starbucks and forget about the wall which, may I add is very beautiful." Parker said. "Yes!" I said pumping my fist in the air. "I knew I was your favorite." I said hugging Park.

"Well, of course everyone else here are weirdos. "Rude." Andrew sticking his tongue out. We all laughed and left for the amazing land of coffee called Starbucks.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2020 ⏰

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