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Ben's POV-

The smell of bacon wafts through the crack in my door. I try to resist it as much as I can, trying to get an extra twenty minutes of sleep. I lose the competition to my hunger and roll out of bed, grabbing some Nike sweatpants and some random hoodie. I turn the shower on and jump in.

I finish in record time, run out, put my clothes on and sprint to the kitchen Usain Bolt style. "Leave some bacon for me you pigs!" They all burst out laughing at my pun which I had absolutely no intention making. "Shut up! And give me the bacon that is rightfully mine." I cry and grab some from the plate in the middle of the kitchen island. After sitting down and getting a plate of course.

I see Maddie in an old hoodie Ethan bought her and black skinny jeans. She was sitting next to Matthew looking happier than she did in the morning, I ask her "Hey Maddie. Are you feeling better now?" She nodded a genuine smile on her face. I nod in acknowledgement and turn back to my delicious breakfast. Cam asks her "You excited for school Mads?" "Eh! Would be better if Ben wasn't there to monitor my every move." She laughs causing the entire table to crack up.

Suddenly I see Mads stiffen in annoyance and I know that there's only one person who gets such a reaction from her. I turn back and see my mom arriving. I clench my jaw, vowing to defend my sister at any cost. "Hello kids and Madison." She says annoyance coating her pretty features, as she says Maddie's name. Mads takes a deep breath and ignores her like Jay taught her to and says, "I'm travelling with Elliot today."

Will nods his head and says "Ok. Sure." As if on cue a horn beeps and Eli screams "Maddie get in!" Maddie tells us "That's my ride. So, bye!" The smile from before never leaving her face. I smile proudly at her resilience, to mom's provoking. She hugs all of us and says, "Bye Alyssa."

I chuckle softly at her confidence. She runs out the door screaming "Eli! I missed you!" "Aww! I missed you too bub. Even though we met yesterday." He plays along laughing. "Let's go." He obeys Maddie's command driving away.

A voice interrupts my thoughts saying "Well, shouldn't you all get going?" Damon replies saying "Yes Alyssa. Goodbye." Following Maddie's lead even though she wasn't here. Our mother looks stunned as the rest of us get up without replying to her. And I know we are all thinking the same thing "Our sister means more to us than a partial mother." 


I know it's short but what can I do. lol. What do you guys think of their mother? Do you think Ben and all her brother's are sweet for backing her up? See Ya'll in the next chapter.

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