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That on top my friends is Ashlee the wannabe. Even though she is mean I think she looks pretty! 


Elliot's POV-

"So, what are the names of her brothers and yours Elliot?" he inquires. "Let's start with Maddie's brothers." I look at her, silently asking if I should name Ethan as well. She nods slightly and I continue. "Ethan 24, William 23, Damon and Jay 20, Cameron and Matthew 19 and her twin brother Ben." "That's a lot of brothers Mads." Fin says "Mhmm...." She replies nodding.

"What about your brothers Eli?" Fin asks. "I have two brothers Parker 20 and my twin brother Andrew." "Wow! Maddie was the only girl in the entire family!" He exclaims. I nod my head laughing at his gaping mouth. "Let's play what would you rather?!" Maddie screamed all of a sudden.

I looked at her and smiled, remembering that this game was how we became best friends. "Yes lets. We can get to know each other better." I said coaxing Fin to play. Fin nodded his head and said "sure." we nodded asking Fin to go first.

"Burgers or rice crackers?" "Burgers." We both replied. "Football or basketball?" "Football." He replies. We pass the entire class playing this before the bell rings. Mads and I get up, grab our bags, say goodbye to Fin and exit the room. We walk down the corridor to our Chem class. And we notice Ashlee walk up to us. FOR THE THIRD TIME.

She stops in front of us and says "Well, well, well who do we have here?" mocking us. I see Maddie take a deep breath in and ignores Ashlee, continuing to talk to me. I follow her lead, indulging in conversation. I see Ashlee getting annoyed that we're ignoring her. So, she tries again "Are you two deaf as well as dumb." We continue ignoring her, making her even more annoyed. I see her raise her hand from the corner of my eye and SLAP!

"Ok. She just brought out the devil in Maddie." I think smirking. I know after all these years as Maddie's best friend that she doesn't take shit from anyone. Especially wannabes like Ashlee. Madison slams her against the locker.

I rub her shoulder, only to notice Ben and Andrew coming over. I keep a protective arm around her knowing that Ben would be fuming. I feel Maddie move and see that she is getting ready to walk to our next class.


What do you think of Maddie's outburst? How is Ben going to react? What would you choose Burgers and rice crackers? Comment down below 

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