Satan's Calling

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Kevin's pic down. Hope you enjoy! stay safe!


Maddie's POV-

"My arms are not injured. I can carry my bag Eli." I told my best friend as I hobbled down the hall to lunch with my crutches. "But your arms need to be focused on using the crutches not carrying the bag and the using the crutches. And, I don't have muscles for nothing." He said flexing his muscles. "I don't think they can be called muscles." I joked squishing his arm.

Although, he did have muscles no harm in joking. "You wound me." he said placing a hand over his heart. "Glad to know." I laughed. He laughed with me as we were stopped by none other than Ashley who seemed to have popped out of nowhere. "How does she know where we are all the time?" I muttered rubbing my temples. Eli laughed softly at comment. "Soo... where are you two going?" she asked twirling her hair.

"Hell." Eli said with a serious look on his face as others passing by shot us weird looks. I nodded saying "Yep, Satan called for us. We're his most trusted employees." She raised an eyebrow at me and said, "Do you think you're funny?" I smirked and replied "Honey, please. I know I'm funny." "Ugh." She said with a weird look on her face.

"Yo Elliot!" I heard a guy calling in a loud voice startling me. I whipped around dropping my crutches in the process. "Shit." I cursed bending to get it before being knocked down. I felt pain shoot through my leg when I fell on my ankle. "What the hell man!" I heard Eli say as he placed an arm around my waist and picked me up after which the guy gave my crutches back. I let out a deep breath before plastering a fake smile on my face.

"I'm so sorry!" the boy apologized. I waved him off and said, "It's fine." With a small smile. He shot me a double thumbs up before asking Eli to hang out this weekend. I looked at him with a big smile. "Don't look at me like that?" he said.

"Like what?" I said innocently. "Like you're going to kill me by talking if I don't go." He replied with a disgruntled look on his face. "Well, of course! You have to socialize more and have more friends." I said. "You're one to talk." He said with a playful nudge to my shoulder. I rolled my eyes. "Please go." I said making my irresistible puppy dog face.

He groaned and told the guy whose name I now knew was Kevin. "I'll be there." He said with a nod. Kevin grinned shooting me a smile before walking back to wherever he had to go. "And now we shall go to the clinic." Eli said. "What? Are we living in the eighties?" I laughed. "Do not question my choice of vocabulary." He said. "Oh, my goodness and I thought I was the literature nerd." I said shaking my head at his goofiness.

"Whatever. Now I know you fell on your ankle so I'm taking you to the clinic." He said before lightly pulling me to the clinic. 




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