New Friends

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Yooo! That is Finley up there! ☝ again none of these pics belong to me as they have all been taken from the internet. hope you enjoy!!


Maddie's POV-

"I'm Madison Winchester." I continued Eli's sentence "Thank you." Mr. Brown replied, a smile tugging on his lips. "Since you two seem inseparable, you can go sit on the last bench together." I flashed the peace sign at him and pulled Eli to the last bench. We plopped down and were about to take our textbooks out when "Today will be a free period for you to get to know each other. So, all of you may keep your books inside."

Everyone cheered and started talking with their friends. I turned to face Eli and said amusedly "You know we made a fool of ourselves, today right?" "Yes, I know Mads." He laughed. I was going to reply when I was interrupted by a red-haired boy. "Hi! I'm Finley. Good entrance today." "Sup. Yeah we know." Eli replied amusedly

"Can you forget about it?" we asked in unison. Finley looked at us weirdly and asked, "How did you say the same thing at the same time?" "Best friend's telepathy." We said together and burst out laughing at his facial expression. He burst out laughing along with us causing the entire class to look at us. AGAIN.

We stopped laughing and took deep breaths trying to calm down when Eli nudged me with his elbow and said "Look. The wannabe queen is stalking us." I chuckled and said, "Are we that good looking?" Suddenly Finley's eyes widened in fear and he pointed to our left. Eli and I turned to see the Ashlee sashaying towards us. I rolled my eyes only to see Elliot do the same. "Ok why are you stalking me?"

I laugh noticing her stare at me in confusion. I reply saying "It's kind of hilarious, watching you fit your entire vocabulary into one sentence!" I continue laughing this time joined by Finley and Eli. She glares daggers at me before stalking away with her two minions. The three of us high-fived each other knowing at that moment that we would be best friends forever.

Finley asks me "What sports do you play?" "Many actually. Football, soccer, basketball, baseball, swimming and gymnastics." I laugh at his awed expression. "Who taught you?" he asks. "My nine brothers. Though two of them are Eli's brothers." Fin raises his eyebrows in astonishment and asks, "You have seven brothers?" I nod my head.

He looks to Eli who nods his head as well. "Do you have any siblings?" I ask. "Yeah. A twin sister Jessica and an older sister Mia." "Wait! You're the only brother?" Eli asked surprised. "Yeah." Finley nods laughing. 


What do you think about the sports Maddie can do? Can any of Ya'll do any of the sports she does. and please leave comments down below on my story so I know what people think about it. i'm out. PEACE!!

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