Rude Much?!

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Jay's POV-

"That's really good Maddie! I'm proud of you." I said excitedly as I hugged my sister tightly. I can't believe she is the co-captain! She deserves it. "You deserve it sunshine." Damon said reading my mind as he hugged her too. "So, did you kick butt?" Ben asked. Of-course he asks that question.

"Let's go to Dairy Queen to celebrate!" Will said excitedly after hugging her. "Can I call Andrew, Parker and Eli too?" Maddie asked. Will nodded and said "Of-course they're practically family." She smiled and nodded. Matt pulled his phone out to call them when our 'mother' came downstairs.

"Hey boys! What's with all the noise?" she smiled as she sat down on the couch. I saw a blank expression take over Maddie's face as she turned away.

Maddie's POV-

I told my brothers the news and they all hugged me telling me they were proud of me. "You deserve it sunshine." Damon told me making me smile wider. Ben asked me if I kicked butt causing me to roll my eyes playfully.

"Let's go to Dairy Queen to celebrate." Will announced. I nodded happily and asked him "Can we call Andrew, Parker and Eli too?" He nodded and said "Of-course they're practically family." I smiled at him. Matty pulled his phone out to call them when my mom came down.

"Hey boys! What's with all the noise?" she asked smiling at them not even bothering to acknowledge me. I put on a blank expression used to it by now. I pulled my phone out texting Eli to join us with his brothers to celebrate and that we would pick him up.

He replied with an 'ooh, cool. I'll tell them and we'll be over in 2.' He's the best friend anyone could ask for. "Oh, Maddie just got selected as the co-captain for her football team." Cam said with a proud smile on his face. "Not captain. I mean how difficult is that?" she asked her face scrunched in distaste. I pushed the tears back and concentrated on the people who actually care about me.

How would dad and Ethan react? I'm sure they would react better than your so-called mother. Dawn replied. And yes, I named my conscious Dawn. "Excuse me?" Will said pulling out a gun.

Haha, no I'm kidding.

"Excuse me?" Will said standing up. This is gonna get nasty fast. I stood up quickly and walked over to Will and whispered "It's not worth it. I don't care and neither should you. So, don't waste your breath." He looked at me his gaze softening before saying "Are you sure?"

I nodded and sat back down next to Cam. All my brothers were glaring at Alyssa who didn't seem fazed. I would be scared if all 6 of my brothers glared at me like that. They can be very scary when they want to. Suddenly, the door burst open with Andrew shouting "I'M HERE FOR THE CELEBRATION!!" I covered my ears while laughing at the same time. 


i wanted to give you a small chapter on Maddie's mom. what do you think of her?? what do you think about how her brothers reacted? who's your fav character so far? and if you have any questions comment it and I will reply to it. you can ask one of the characters or me (the author)

stay safe!

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