Selection List

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Up are Noah and Seth who have also joined the team newly with Maddie and Eli. Hope you all like these chapters.


Maddie's POV-

"Wake up Maddie!" I heard someone scream. I groaned and turned to the other side. "Don't make me do it." I heard a similar voice warn. I covered my ears with the pillow and continued my quest in dreamland.

Suddenly, cold water was dumped on me. I gasped and got up. Remembering that this is what my brothers and I did when one of us refused to get up. I turned around to face the devils who turned out to be Damon and Jay.

An evil smirk took its place on my face and I stood up and screamed at them "CATCH!!" while jumping on them. And being the good brothers, they were they caught me, and I hugged them so tightly that most of the water got transferred onto their clothes.

Once they realized they looked at me causing me to laugh, which made them crack up as well. Once we stopped laughing, I told them "I'm going to have a shower. Not that I think it's necessary anymore." They shook their head at me, and Damon said "We'll be downstairs. Will is making breakfast."

My face lit up because Will's cooking is the best. I nodded my head fast and ran into the bathroom to brush my teeth. They both ran down the stairs, closing my bedroom door behind them. Once I brushed my teeth, I got the shower running and picked out my outfit. I grabbed a hoodie, black skinny jeans, and a beanie. 

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I saw Will cooking chocolate chip pancakes in the kitchen. I sat in my usual seat and started stuffing the pancakes in my mouth. "Someone's hungrier than usual." I heard Cameron comment. I smiled at him and continued eating. When Ben came down, they all started talking about who was the best cook out of all of them. Not counting Will of course.

I heard Ben interject "But we can all agree that we are better than Maddie, right?" I laughed saying "I can't cook to save my life." Cooking had never been my strong skill once I almost burnt the kitchen down. I heard a horn beep. I took that as my cue to leave. I told them that Eli was coming to pick me up as usual and hugged them all.

I laced up my Chuck Taylor's and ran out the door. "Yo!" I told Eli after dumping my back. "Sup. You excited to see who is chosen today?" he asked. I nodded and replied "Mhm... I feel very positive about this." He chuckled and said "You always are. Not that you are ever wrong though."

I rolled my eyes and told him to start his red 1867 Chevy Camaro. We drove to school talking about football and our tryouts yesterday.

Once we reached school, we got out merging into the huge sea of students in the front of the school. We entered the school and went to our lockers. That's when I saw a huge cluster of students around a billboard. I tapped Eli on the shoulder and asked him "You wanna go check out why those students are clustered around that billboard?" he nodded.

We pushed through to the front of the group and saw that it was the football team selection list. I scanned the list searching for Eli and my name. I saw Eli's name as wide receiver and mine as quarterback. I jumped up and down before composing myself.

I saw that Noahand Seth had been chosen as well. I turned behind to see Eli. He ran up to meand hugged me tightly and I hugged him back. Eli asked me "Wanna get ice-creamafter school to celebrate?" I replied "Sure." Grinning widely. "but we havepractice today so after that?" he nodded and said "Duh." I said "Ok."


Hope you guys liked this chapter! and if you don't mind could you comment down below how this chapter was as I am not getting much motivation to write anymore as this story is written for my readers. A big thanks to everyone!

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