Ice- cream and Homework

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Hiya! This is a short chapter but hope you enjoy it anyway! Stay safe! ❤👽


Maddie's POV-

"I'll get 5 Rocky Roads, 3 Oreo Cheesecakes and 2 Smore's please." I told the cashier whose name tag read 'Luna' she smiled and nodded. She walked towards their ice-cream making station and started preparing our stuff. I tapped my fingers on the counter. "Here you go." She said putting everything on a tray to make it easier to carry.

"Thank you. How much?" I asked her. "10 dollars." She told me. I nodded and pulled out 10 dollars from my purse. I took the tray and walked to my table. "Alright, here we go." I said sliding into my seat. "By the way guys we are having our first game in a week with Elmwood High." Eli said. I nodded and asked, "You're all coming right?"

Everyone nodded and said "Duh! Of-course we are." And "Wouldn't miss it for the world." I smiled even more widely if that was possible. Once, we were done eating we walked back home. "So, what do you guys want to do?" Parker asked. "I have homework which I have to do. And I'm sure the three of them have homework too." I pointed at Ben, Eli, and Andrew. The three of them groaned as I laughed at them.

Will smiled lightly as Parker said, "Then you kids better get cracking." We nodded and walked up to Ben's room. I grabbed my bag on the way and opened my Literature book after plopping down on the floor. I answered the questions assigned to us before doing some Geography and History too. 

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