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Maddie's POV-

Eli and I walked to our school parking lot with Matt, sweat dripping from our faces. We walked to the cars. Matt and Eli had parked next to each other. I leaned on Matt's car and I told Eli "I'm driving tomorrow." He nodded and said "Sure. Meet you at your house at 5 for movie night?" "Duh!" I said grinning. He grins back and enters his car while Matty and I enter his.

I turned the radio on in the car and Water Fountain by Alec Benjamin started playing. It was my favorite song. I started belting the song on the top of my voice. Matt joined me.


"We're homee! I said stretching the 'e'. "Hello? Anyone here?" I asked. I saw Matt smirking. I furrowed my brows in confusion. Suddenly I was thrown over someone's shoulder. I saw that it was Cameron. I started hitting his back. I had read enough books to know that he was gonna throw me in the pool. I knew that it was no good trying to hit him because he wasn't going to leave me anyway. So, I just lay limp.

SPLASH! The cold water hit me like a truck. Suddenly, I got an amazing idea. I knew this would freak all my brothers out. I laid limp and didn't surface for more than 4 minutes. I heard Will screaming at Cam "What the hell dude! Why would you throw her in!?" and Damon saying, "Do you think she's dead?"

I came up spluttering with laughter. Will turned on me and said, "Madison Dawn Winchester! Do, you think this is funny?" I nodded and replied, "Yes I do brudah." He shook his head at me and gave me his hand. I grabbed it and came up. Matt grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me. I gripped it and told them "I'm going to change." They all nodded, and I ran back inside and up the stairs.

I changed into one of Jay's hoodie's and sweatpants. I walked down the stairs and saw Will making sandwiches. I grabbed one and stuffed it in my mouth. "how was practice?" Will asked. "it was fine. But my teammates thought that Matty was my boyfriend!" I said starting to laugh again. Will started to laugh too but we were interrupted by Jay saying, "Why are you two laughing like mania- is that my hoodie?!" he screeched.

I nodded and said "keep your stuff safe. Else the hoodie monster will steal it." Pointing at myself. He chuckled and took the sandwich from my plate and bit it. I gasped because no one comes in between me and my food. I took the Nutella bottle scooped a bit in my hand and lunged at Jay. I landed on his back while laughing maniacally in my head. I rubbed the Nutella on his face and snatched the sandwich back with my clean hand.

He looked at me when we heard Ben's voice. "you look like you pooped your face." We stared at him in confusion and Will said "how can anyone poop their face? You're 17 act like it." Jay and I chuckled and high-fived each other.

"IF YOU WANT SANDWICHES COME DOWN!!!" Will shouted. Suddenly there was a huge stampede from the stairs and all the boys came down and sat in their usual seats. "How was practice?" Damon asked me. "It was fine. But our teammates thought that Matt was my boyfriend." He smirked while Matt glared at me. Cam started laughing and Matt whacked the back of his head. we laughed at their childish antics and talked about our day.

Will, Damon and Matt had a hectic but good day. Jay got a few free periods and made friends. Cam also made 2 friends and had a pretty fun day. Will, got the company that belonged to our dad and Damon works under him and didn't go to uni. Matt also worked under him. Matty didn't go to uni as he was declared a prodigy. Cam goes to the University of Southern California, and Jay studies at Harvard.

If that makes things simpler to understand.

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