The Spot

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So that is Eli and Maddie's spot. I love it! Hope you do too!


Maddie's POV-

"Where were you Maddie!" is the first thing I hear when I close the door to my house. I cover my ears and say, "Stop screaming." Will composes himself and asks, "Where were you?". I know the principal called him and that Will knows that I was in detention. So, I say coolly, "I was in detention." I see him getting mad, so I start heading towards the stairs to go to my room when I hear Will say "Go to your room.".

I smirk and decide to rile him up by saying "I was going up there." With a 'duh' tone. "I'm sorry?" "I said I was going up to my room." "Get back down here Madison." He said in an eerily calm voice, and my full name! I go back down cautiously and see Will acting pissed off but having a slight smile on his face.

I chuckle and said "Yes." Will replied to me saying "I would ground you, but I have better things to do." I laugh openly and head back to my room. I check the time and huff in annoyance when I see it's only 4:00 pm. I decide to do my homework to pass the time.

After, writing my essay in English, I get bored and text Eli.


Maddie: Hey!

Eli: Yo! Wassup?

Maddie: I'm bored.

Eli: Did you finish your essay?

Maddie: Yes sir.

Eli: Ok. Wanna go to our spot?

Maddie: Exactly what I was thinking.

Eli: What can I say? Great minds think alike.

Maddie: Lol. They do.

Eli: Meet you there.

I climbed out of my window, down the tree, and went to the spot only Eli and I knew about. Eli and I found this place when I was younger. It was now our meeting spot when we had something, we wanted to tell each other or just hangout.

I opened the front gate and crept out seeing Eli do the same. I waved and said "Sup?" he flashed the peace sign and walked over, and we walked to the 'spot' together. When we reached the small garden that was now our spot, he looked at me and asked, "Will reacted in his weirdly happy but pissed way?" I nodded and said, "It's still very creepy."

He rolled his eyes and said, "Of course it is." and I smirked and remarked "Keep rolling your eyes. You might find a brain back there one day." He wacked the back of my head and I hit him back. And from there, it went berserk and turned into a full-blown slap battle.

And I won. As usual.Yes, this happens often. I asked "Wanna go back home and play COD?" "Yes!!" he screamed. I put my hand over his mouth and said in a hushed voice "Do you wantthe others to come here. You do remember this place is near both of our home's?"


Hope you like the story so far! Really sorry for not updating. These slap battles are very real with my friends and me. I have 98 reads already and i am very grateful to all those who have read my story and thank you for sticking with it for so long. Hope you enjoy the chapters coming up too!

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