Concussions and Broken Bones

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Hey! Sorry I haven't posted in a while but I hope you enjoy this chapter. Stay safe! Cam and Will outfit's at the end of the chapter. 


Maddie's POV-

A week passed and it was time for our game and luckily our first match was a home game. Matt, Cam, Damon, Jay, Will, Parker and Andrew were all in the front seat of the bleachers and were cheering for us. And the score was currently 'Home: 6 Away: 3' the hard training this week had certainly paid off.

I caught the ball that Seth threw towards me and ran with it to score a touchdown before I felt someone run into me. I felt myself hit the ground as my helmet flew off and my head hit the ground. I heard my ankle crack before darkness surrounded me and fell into an uncomfortable stupor.


My eyes fluttered open before I shut it immediately because of the light.

Ugh, my head hurts.

I slowly opened my eyes this time prepared for the light. I sat up a bit before looking around the room. I saw Eli, Andrew, Parker and all my brothers sleeping except Will who was flipping through the hospital magazine.

"Hello. Did we win?" I asked softly before I leaned my head back on the pillow. "Hey! Is that really the question you're asking?" He asked raising an, eyebrow. "Yes?" I replied with sass. "Don't use that sass with me missy. And yeah, your team did win." He said when the door opened, and Cam came in with a tray of food. "You're awake!" he said loudly. "Hey, lower that voice. She has a concussion." Will said giving Cam the 'you're-going-to-die-if-you-don't-listen-to-me' look.

"Sorry." Cam muttered as he gave me the tray and laid down next to me. I asked, "How long have I been here?" "A few hours." Cam replied. I bit into the sandwich and asked, "When can we leave?" "I'll ask the doctor and be right back." Will said and left the room. Cam slung his arm over me and asked, "How're you feeling?" as he bit into the sandwich in my hand.

"Fine. My leg hurts a bit? What happened to it?" I asked looking at my foot that had a cast around it. "Oh, you broke your ankle when the guy from the other team ran into you." He said casually. Why is he so casual? You ask. Well, I twist or brake some bone in my body at least once a month. That's what happens when you live with six brothers.

I nodded and we continued eating in silence which was bliss for my hurting head. Will entered the room and said "The doctor said we can go home after a quick check up but no school for two days. And even after that no sports for at least a week." He said making me groan. "Fine." I grumbled waiting for the doctor to come and let me go home.





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