Just A Normal Day

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Hi! i'm so sorry that I haven't published often. I got writers block and didn't know what to write.  hope you like this chapter! I have re-written this chapter. hope you like it!


Cameron's POV-

My brothers, sister and I talked about our day while eating sandwiches. I finished eating my sandwich and said my goodnights and went up to my room. I scrolled through Instagram and Facebook until Will came up to my room and told me to switch the lights off.


The alarm rang pulling me out of la la land. I groaned and rolled out of bed and rolled to my closet to pick out some random outfit for the day. I picked the clothes up and sluggishly walked into the bathroom. I did everything people did in the bathroom and went downstairs. I saw that Will wasn't cooking as usual and Maddie with her head on the island top.

"Good morning guys." I said. Will waved and said "hey! Ready for uni?" I shrug and lean back in my seat. "I'm not cooking breakfast today. So just take an apple or Pop-Tart." I replied "Ok. Sure." I grabbed an apple like Maddie from the fruit bowl and bit into it.

"HELLO MY FELLOW HOMOSAPIENS!!" Ben screamed while descending the stairs with the rest of the boys. I groaned "Shut up you idiot. It's 6 in the morning." I noticed that Maddie didn't even move from the noise her obnoxious twin made. She was fast asleep. I smiled at her "She's fast asleep." I whispered to the boys. They chuckled softly and nodded.

We were all discussing soccer tactics and formations when I heard someone laugh. We looked around for the source of the noise but didn't find it. I smirked and looked at Maddie. I inched closer to her and whispered, "The tickle monster has arrived." And started to tickle her. She screamed and kicked my shin telling me to stop. "WILL! MATT! HELP!!" both of them chuckled and didn't do anything to stop me.

I stopped when the door burst open and Andrew who was as obnoxious as Ben. "There is no need to fear cos Andrew is here!" I stopped tickling Maddie and smacked my forehead. Maddie cheered and went to Andy. He opened his arms for a hug, but she stopped him and asked, "Where's Eli?" "He's coming." She nodded then proceeded to hug him.

"Parker is killing me." Eli whined as he entered the house. Maddie pulled away from Andy and hugged Eli while joking "He does that every morning. That's the job of the oldest brother in every house." We laughed while Will protested. We swatted him away and continued laughing when Will interrupted "You guys have to get to school so we can get on with work." "See?" Maddie giggled. I shook my head at him, and we exited the house saying our goodbyes.

Mads and Eli entered hercar while I entered mine and left for uni.

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